Buying a digital camera for my girlfriend

wait I thought you were going the Kodak? heheheh

Well no big loss, Pentax usually do'nt have much anyway.....
yeah, then I changed cos I thought I couldn't get it...

now I just rang up a complete wanker from Harvey Norman, but he has 2 in stock and I got him down to $345, which is still good. (going to have to borrow some money because he was being an ass about it. Told me there was no way he would put it on hold or do lay-by for me until I get paid next Thursday).
Okay! I bought it for $345.00.

Surprisingly easy - the price tag said $389 but I just said: "I was told I could get it for $345 on the phone". The guy wasn't the guy I talked to but he just took my word for it and that was that.

So yeah, very very happy at the moment. It was the last one there as well - the display model. Last one in Adelaide it seems (from all the places I rang).

Cheers for all of your help!



The third one is from the first day I gave it to her and the other two are from when she's worked around with the manual settings a bit - she wants me to say that she still hasn't completely worked it all out yet and these are just tests - but golly I think they are amazing!
P.S Yes - that means we are VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy with the camera! Cannot thank you enough for your help!
Nice stuff! Did you notice that there's a ghost in the bucket in the second shot? Weird! Surprised to see you with clothes on in the third one, ceydn. :)

Just for the record, after 500+ shots on my Olympus IR-300 I'm pretty happy with it. It was nice to see it selling in Indonesia for shitloads more than I paid for it too. :)