Buying CDs in the modern age


Feb 21, 2008
Waterford, MI
I realize that most people get their music via Limewire or Itunes, but is it common for metalheads to purchase CDs of their favorite bands these days even with this modern convenience?
I like to support the bands I like, and the sentimental value of a physical copy of the album is enough incentive to discourage downloading. It's a natural tendency to collect things. I collect coins, model ships, and books. Thus I hold my CD collection in such a regard as well.
I usually check myspaces. If I like what I hear, I buy the album (online, always; it's really hard to find good metal in music stores around here, :cool:)

EDIT: I'm with Zeph. I always support the bands I love. I still have a lot of purchasing to do though.
I buy music very regularly, usually over 300+ pieces of music a year, which is about as much as my finances can sustain.
CDs are the only thing I collect...them and band shirts, I guess, but you don't really "collect" clothing. I love having a physical copy to flip through the liner notes, check out the artwork, and then stick on my CD rack and watch my collection go.
I buy a dozen or so albums a year. I download a whole lot more. I buy albums either because I want to support that artist or because I can't find a decent-quality download. I know I'm stealing, but albums are expensive, especially more obscure stuff which most of what I listen to is.
People say they like to support bands, but I doubt everyone ONLY buys straight from vendors, but I usually buy music when I have money(which I have been recently) or a CD is rare enough where I will have to buy instead of being able to DL. I still say CDs are majority overpriced and thats a huge factor in the declining market
I like to buy at shows. But buying used, I realize, doesn't do much for the band. It's more for sentiment...
I don't care about supporting the band, but I just NEED the actual CD to fully enjoy it. If I'm just listening to it on my computer then it's like "pfft., whatever." I need to pop it in my stereo and have it to take around with me. Burned CDs are sometimes okay but it's harder to get into them that way.

I also agree that CDs being absurdly overpriced is a major problem.
Since I live in an area where it's hard to find good shit I usually have to order 95% of my music, so I mostly download first and then buy
I don't care about supporting the band, but I just NEED the actual CD to fully enjoy it. If I'm just listening to it on my computer then it's like "pfft., whatever." I need to pop it in my stereo and have it to take around with me. Burned CDs are sometimes okay but it's harder to get into them that way.

I also agree that CDs being absurdly overpriced is a major problem.

I agree. I dont buy cd´s because of some moral issues,i just need to have it,it´s much more fun. It´s the same thing as it´s more fun to own an official Iron Maiden tour shirt from 82 or whatever rather than just printing "Iron Maiden World Tour ´82" by yourself on a t-shirt.
I like to support the bands I like, and the sentimental value of a physical copy of the album is enough incentive to discourage downloading. It's a natural tendency to collect things. I collect coins, model ships, and books. Thus I hold my CD collection in such a regard as well.
This, though not so much to support the band as I seem to remember reading the band sees very little money from CD sales, and most of their income comes from other things such as concerts. 95% (or some other absurdly high figure) apparently goes straight to the record company.

So I buy mostly because I like collecting shit. That and I swear CDs sound 100x better when you're listening to them off the CD while flipping through the booklet, looking at all the artwork and what not.
I think it depends on the person but CD buying seems to be more common amongst metalheads than the average person. I personally like supporting the bands/labels and having a physical thing to go along with the sound.
One look at the Post Your Hauls thread wil tell you most everyone here buys CDs. I don't download from online sources,but friends will send me songs and/or albums for me to check out and if I like it I wlll eventually buy it.