By the pain I see in others

That song took me forever to get into, but now i love it. I was kinda annoyed by the vocal effect they put in there, but i just ignored it and found a lot to like within the rest of the song. Now I actually kinda like the effect hah
Very outstanding and different song. Everytime i listen to it i feel the need to think about the intention of using stanzas in reverse in teh end of the song. Why are those two songs of Delverance connected? Dont know because i havent got the time to do it.. :err: Ideas?
.. one of opeth's finest songs? .. not in my opinion.. One of Opeth's worst. Don't get me wrong, i love it.. but still it is by no means their best. The reversed vocals do seem rather pointless too. It is quite different from usual Opeth but not in a good way like GR was. I love the verse guitars.. a very odd tune.
It's probably the most hapazardly put together Opeth song. If you look at the circumstances regarding the recording, it makes sense. The intro and first verse are okay, but the middle to end part of the song aren't that good. The song is unnecessarily long, even without the hidden stuff at the end.
:worship: "By the Pain I See in Others" is one of my personal all-time favorites by Opeth. I really like the initial vocal effect.
Also, the lyrics speak for themselves:

"Discard your clothes,
Let loose your hair
We're intertwined forever
and have always been"

THAT, my friends, is simply beautiful!
I like all their songs too, just some way more than others. And I do think By the Pain... has some great lyrics. But overall, it's one of my least favorite songs by them.
It seems haphazard i suppose, but it's really not. It's exactly Opeth at this stage. It pounds hard right away, doesn't wait long at all. Then cuts right to the vocals, showing you what kind of adventure you're in for. GIves you a little taste of the style, but not of the volume. And then are you telling me you've heard the next part before? You could tell me influences, but the acoustics and drums sound like theyre from another planet with the electric on top. Then the rise to submission part. Reminds you of the ground you're treading. Back to the fray, but the expected "Rise to submission part" is greeted with double bass signifying a change. THe change isn't anything you thought it would be. Casual drum changes great the next part. THen this is OPeth, its what they deliver on every album, sweet chords with an amazing lead. Pure metal of our time. WHat metal bands have groove bass with this kind of rocking/metal? None. bACK TO the theme. Defining Opeth. Now were outside in a park... its a fucking circus. EVil carnival. Hypnotizing.. The whole middle part is just ridiculous, then flows perfectly back into the metal. That's something they've come to learn alot about. YOu cant say this part is repetitive, but i think its just reenforcing a theme. Especially with the changing percussion, reminding you where you came from, but taking you to the end. THen comes the "definitino of metal turnover." Youre like "ive heard this a million times." Thats the point, you're being absolutely slayed into the finish. YOu kind of expect the rest, but to be honest you absolutely love it. It raps everytihing up, and the reverse song afterward is just remeinding you youre still listening.
steel102 said:
even prologue?

What's wrong with Prologue?

I get chills every time I hear it, anticipating the beginning of April Ethereal. The sound of falling rain also puts me immediately into the headspace of the album.

It's a fucking brilliant beginning to an album if you ask me.
Katabasis said:
What's wrong with Prologue?

I get chills every time I hear it, anticipating the beginning of April Ethereal. The sound of falling rain also puts me immediately into the headspace of the album.

It's a fucking brilliant beginning to an album if you ask me.

Yeah, I really like "Prologue" as well. The rain and the's like the calm before the storm.
'It's probably the most hapazardly put together Opeth song. If you look at the circumstances regarding the recording, it makes sense. The intro and first verse are okay, but the middle to end part of the song aren't that good. The song is unnecessarily long, even without the hidden stuff at the end.'

Word man. How I wish Deliverance would end on Masters Apprentices... I mean the first like half of the song is ok... But it gets more and more random and chaotic near the end, just as if they had absolutely no idea what to do... And the reversed vocals only prove my point... Masters Ap's would work fine as a closing track and this way there is a scar on the diamond called Deliverance....
I think BtPISiO has some great parts, but yeah, it really sounds like it's been put together in a hurry, it doesn't have that logical progression that other Opeth songs have. And the hidden thing is not a part of this song, I think it's there to "scare" people or something :p
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
lol some ppl here seriously think master's apprentice and wreath are better than BTPISIO...? oh weird is that?

Whether a song is "better" than the other always depends on the listener, and no listener is right or wrong. There are no absolute truths, just opinions.