cab impulses on real head


Always The Understudy Vox
May 12, 2011
Temecula CA
Hey guys i have the countryman 85 and a Marshall jcm 2000 dsl 100 watt amp and i actually have a good tone on it, i was curious how it would hold up against "the patch"

from the countryman website which im hoping is right i can have my guitar input to the amp input then the output of the head to the countryman 85 and use the amp out to the cab, but send an xlr to my interface. has anyone tried that?

i would just throw different cab impulses out in logic
Lol. I never use a DI box or Reamp Box. I just send the output of the track into the input of my amp head. Sounds just fine to me.Don't really have alot of extra dough to spend on a good DI or reamp. (Though I plan on it some day.)
what's so funny about this?

Ans, you're like the most serious, tense guy in the world dude.



anyway, make sure you have a cab connected all the time, or a using some kind of dummy load on the output of the head. If not, you'll fry the amp. Un-ideal.
hmm, so whats a dummy load? ive been tracking guitars in le apartment and my amp would get me evicted haha, how can i make the amp only go out into the DI?

They're just power resistors that take the place of the speaker resistance. You can make them yourself or buy one for pretty cheap.