Cab position relevant for recording ?


Mojito Maniac
Apr 17, 2009
The Black Forest
Sorry for the kind of noobish question , but does it make a big difference if the cab is on top of another one or if it`s grounded ? Also if it`s on wheels or not ? Or does it even matter ?
yes. The proximity of reflective surfaces and the cabs interaction interaction with it's environment will definitely make a difference. How much of a difference and whether it's positive or negative will depend on the situation. The best thing is to try it out and see how it sounds.
Ok thanks,
so far I have been recording with the cab on top but I thought that might create some vibrations that are not so nice. So I thought on the ground it would probably be more solid and bassy. I will try it out next time.
If there`s a difference I`ll post a comparision.