Cab Recommendations


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006

Im looking to buy the Peavey Triple XXX head in the near future and want to pair it with a cab with Vintage 30's. Ive been looking around online for a while and saw a H&K cab and the Randall RA412XLT for near enough the same price with good reviews. Sadly I cant afford the Mesa Recto cab so im just curious if anybody has any recommendations for around 500/600 quid or if anybody has tried the H&K or the Randall previously.

Cheers! :kickass:
Mesa, Orange, Bogner, ENGL... All nice cabs.

Going by your use of 'quid' as money... I'm going to guess that getting an Orange will be quite a bit easier/cheaper for you in the UK than it us for us in the US.
I use a XXX with an Avatar loaded with Celestion G12T75s and I love it. You can get them loaded with any speaker you choose as well.
I cant seem to find any Avatar cabs in the UK for sale, but that Framus Dragon cab seems cheap/easy to get hold of/amazing im thinking its no contest with the Randall! Im starting to see what you mean about the so used to black cloth but it seems the brown can grow on you :P

Hey if it sounds amazing I dont really care what colour it is anyway!
I havent actually physically seen one as of yet either :) Thanks for these recommendations! :p
PS. Is the Dragon cab 200w - mono/100w - stereo? Because some places say its 120w/60w and some say 200w/100w *is a tad confused* :goggly:
LOL thats 3 differences! Does it also depend on the shop you buy them from? For example, One of them says 100w/200w will THAT cab have that spec and if you buy it elsewhere will that change?

Tbh I would have thought they all come as standard!