Cabin Fever: the movie


Nov 9, 2001
I saw this last night. It was okay. I wasn't expecting a funny movie, but it had a lot of humor that seemed like a combination of Adam Sandler, Jay and Silent Bob, and Airplane. Greg, you would like this movie.

Some girl passed out during a bathtub scene, and got carried out of the theater by her friends. Nice.
Also the assholes in the theater didn't seem to understand that the characters in the movie were *supposed* to be despicable, and that as a viewer you were supposed to feel glad if/when they would suffer/die.

Their lack of understanding was most likely due to their affinity with said characters, which makes for an interesting statement by the filmmaker.
i'm going to see this tonight
a suburban/junky sort of chain/mall movie theater.

damn, i really wish films were cheaper.
FuSoYa said:
Also another point, aimed at Greg: The kid who dated Topenga in "Boy Meets World" is in this movie, and you can probably guess what happens to him.

was that fred savage's brother or the other guy? i never watched boy meets world enough to understand the plot lines.

i think i would like to see cabin fever. i saw a piece in the ad with a girl shaving her legs and it was absolutely disgusting. i mean if peter jackson says it rules then it must be bloody and super funny in the vein of dead alive which i also love immensely.

and speaking of fred savage, he ruled in his little bit part in the last austin powers movie.
i saw this last night. egggh.

i'm harsh, though.

i don't understand why anyone would pass out during that scene, but then again it could be that it hit close to home (easy for me dismiss it because believe it or not, i don't participate in that sort of activity), OR it was a planted audience member!
before we went into the theatre mia and i were actually considering acting like we had flesh-eating disease during the movie and cough blood onto people getting everyone to flip out. Unfortunately the theatre was full of jock fucks who kept commenting on how Burke was "a genius".
yeah him, the "squirrels are gay" guy

i was thinking that if you played that part, toby, the line would have been something like "squirrels are not reptiles"