Favourite Movie Quotes


Hell_Awaits said:
We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole multi colored collection of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

-Raoul Duke
Spaceballs, when Dark Helmet and Colonel Sanders are watching a video of the movie..

Dark Helmet: What the hell am I looking at?... When does this happen in the movie?
Colonel Sandurz: Now, You're looking at now sir...Everything that happens now is happening now.
Dark Helmet: What happened to then?
Colonel Sandurz: We passed it.
Dark Helmet:When.
Colonel Sandurz:Just now... We're at now now.
Dark Helmet: Go back to then?
Colonel Sandurz: When?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: Now?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz:I can't
Dark Helmet: Why?
Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now.
Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
Colonel Sandurz: Soon!
Dark Helmet: How soon?
Technician: Sir!
Dark Helmet: What?
Technician: We've identified their location!
Dark Helmet: Where?
Technician: It's the moon of Vega
Colonel Sandurz: Good work. Set a course and prepare for our arrival
Dark Helmet: When?
Technician: Nineteen hundred hours, sir!
Colonel Sandurz: By high noon tomorrow they will be our prisoners!
Dark Helmet: WHO?!?!


Also anything from Army of Darkness is excellent, or the dead my pals storage quote from Pulp Fiction.
T_man357 said:
"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. See this? This... is my boomstick! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You *got* that?" - Ash (Army Of Darkness)

awesome quote, awesome movie.

I love the anything related to S-mart scenes.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy NOW PISS OFF...Life of Brian.

Eddie: They're armed.
Soap: What was that? Armed? What do you mean armed? Armed with what?
Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit! .....Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.

Eddie: The entire British empire was built on cups of tea, and if you think I'm going to war without one, mate, you're mistaken.....Lock, Stock again

Large Man with Dead Body: Who's that then?
The Dead Collector: I dunno, must be a king.
Large Man with Dead Body: Why?
The Dead Collector: He hasn't got shit all over him....Holy Grail

PYPHON OWN......:heh: :kickass: :heh:

nik said:
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy NOW PISS OFF...Life of Brian.

Eddie: They're armed.
Soap: What was that? Armed? What do you mean armed? Armed with what?
Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit! .....Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.

Eddie: The entire British empire was built on cups of tea, and if you think I'm going to war without one, mate, you're mistaken.....Lock, Stock again

Large Man with Dead Body: Who's that then?
The Dead Collector: I dunno, must be a king.
Large Man with Dead Body: Why?
The Dead Collector: He hasn't got shit all over him....Holy Grail

PYPHON OWN......:heh: :kickass: :heh:


The whole Holy Grail consists of the most awesome movie quotes.

I'd add: "Now, this goes for silver medal. Spell Forensic!" "Well fuck this, why the fuck shall I spell Forensic. S-U-C-K-M-Y-A-S-S. Forensic."
TheAssMaster said:
Fuck you, asshole" - Terminator

Whoa, where in Terminator was that quote?

Are you sure that wasn't in Total Recall when Quaid grabs for the suitcase?

Quaid: That's mine.
Old lady: I don't see your name on it!
Quaid: Lady, I NEED that!
Old lady: FUCK YOU, you asshole!!

Jurched said:
Whoa, where in Terminator was that quote?

Are you sure that wasn't in Total Recall when Quaid grabs for the suitcase?

Quaid: That's mine.
Old lady: I don't see your name on it!
Quaid: Lady, I NEED that!
Old lady: FUCK YOU, you asshole!!


I'll be back.

another Arnold quote from Kindergarten Cop

It's not a tumor!
johnnieCzech said:
The whole Holy Grail consists of the most awesome movie quotes.

My favourite exchange is on the bridge.

old man: Ta cross the bridge you see you must answer me these questions three!
first knight: I'm ready!
old man: WHAT is your name?
first knight: sir galahad!
old man: WHAT is your mission?
first knight: to find the holy grail!
old man: WHAT is your favourite colour?
first knight: red!
old man: Right then. Off you go.

second knight: Hey, that's easy!!

old man: Ta cross the bridge you see you must answer me these questions three!
second knight: yes, yes, yes, yes!
old man: WHAT is your name?
second knight: sir lancelot!
old man: WHAT is your mission?
second knight: to find the holy grail!
old man: WHAT is your favourite colour?
second knight: red. NO, blue! AAAAAAGH!!!

third knight: Blue, blue, my favourite colour is blue!

old man: Ta cross the bridge you see you must answer me these questions three! WHAT is your name?
third knight: sir robin!
old man: WHAT is your mission?
third knight: to find the holy grail!
old man: WHAT is the square root of 37,405?
third knight: I don't know that! AAAAAAGH!!!


Squirrel Master: Back up Nasty Nate, this my bitch!
Nasty Nate: Better watch your back Fish! Squirrel Master ain't gonna be there for you all the time. Next time I come for you, I'm gonna want some cocktail... FRUIT!
Kenny: Here take it!
[walks away with Squirrel Master]
Kenny: I'm somebody's bitch!

Kenny: [to horse] Hey, girl. You hungry?
Overweight Woman: Fuck you, nigga!
Yo Adrian! -Do I have to say it?
"Did you breastfeed? Toughened your nipples, didn't it?" - Anthony Hopkins Silence of the Lambs
"Kick the ever livin' shit outta you!" - Joe Pesci - Casino
Waynes world - (probably the best movie of all time):

Stacy: Happy anniversary, Wayne.
Wayne Campbell: Stacy, we broke up two months ago.
Stacy: Well, that doesn't mean we can't still go out, does it?
Wayne Campbell: Well, it does actually, that's what breaking up is.
Stacy: Well, don't you want to open your present?
Wayne Campbell: If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset
Stacy: Open it.
Wayne Campbell: What is it?
Stacy: It's a gun rack.
Wayne Campbell: A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
Stacy: You don't like it? Fine. You know Wayne, if you're not careful, you're going to lose me.
Wayne Campbell: I lost you 2 months ago. We broke up. Are you mental? Get the net!
Dr. Strangelove

President Muffley to Russian Ambassador De Sadesky and General Buck Turgisen

"There is to be no fighting in here, This is the war room"
Son, Lemme tell you about drinking and driving...

Boy, that SHIT is FUN, man!!

What you do, you pack down a 'forty, floor it down the highway, turn off the lights, close your eyes, let go of the steering wheel...

Boy, it will BUG you OUT!!!

Sgt Barnes - "Ya smoke this shit so to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality. There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is."

Bunny - "Holy shit, you see that fucking head come apart, man? Shit, I've never seen brains like that before, man. I bet that old bitch runs the whole fucking show, she probably slit Manny's throat."
Ghost Dog - "Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty. With martial valor, if one becomes like a revengeful ghost and shows great determination, though his head is cut off, he should not die."

Ghost Dog - "It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said that the world we live in is not a bit different from this."
Tommy - "Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it? No, I mean is, you can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a butcher's ass... No, wait. It's gotta be your bull."