...or so they claim
So Rob's solos dont re-invent the wheel. What do you expect? The re-invention of the wheel? If you ask me (and you do) you should do something you shouldve done a loooooooong time agoooooooo...
So Rob's solos dont re-invent the wheel. What do you expect? The re-invention of the wheel? If you ask me (and you do) you should do something you shouldve done a loooooooong time agoooooooo...
hey man everyone is entitled to their own on what they like and don't like
as far as playing the solos and all that shit exact to the record?? Well... I say its fun to fuck around and make up something else, have you ever taken in consideration that these songs have been played for years and years, or listened to for years and years, dude, at the end of the day its just fun to dick around with stuff,
also, if your going to make that statment, then I hope you don't like hearing Madhouse live (because they don't do the intro the same); and I hope you don't like Antisocial (cause Charlie changes the beat up after the solo section); and I hope you don't like Caught in A Mosh (because they don't hold the into as long or play it as the same tempo as the recording).... do you see my point here? Playing music is about having fun as well, for for the band as for the fans.
Why are we even talking about this shit? lol; does it really matter??
Oh, and the Charlie thing.... Listen, I like Charlie he's very nice to me and all that good shit... but you put that he is an awesome guitar player BECAUSE HE WRITES SONGS.... excuess me but what the hell does that have to do with playing that actual guitar???? Its more like he's a great SONG WRITER.......
Writing and playing.... two totally different things.... also, are we talking solos? Rythm? or what? Cause its important to know. Again, being able to write songs on guitar means your a good song writer.
Lastly (only cause I'm having fun with this and I'm hoping to open some of your eyes)
Dan Spitz solos on P.O.T. where... in a nutshell.... horrible. In fact, some of them he ripped himself off from solos that you can hear if you listen prior records. Among and Spreading he was at his best. After that, there is nothing to his solos other then speed picking, now if your into that he's awesome, but I like to hear some feeling in the solos I hear... like Dime Bag.....
PS. New M.O.D. Tour Dates posted get out and see a show, you never know when a member of Anthrax might show up now-a-days!![]()
Im a Pro Dan Spizt... is the man, the only one for ANTHRAX... but...
Rod Caggiano is a great guitar... I like it...
What... what.............???
What should he do?![]()
Personally i have no complaints about Rob's playing i think he does a very decent job as did Spitz, but neither of them are in the Marty Friedman / Dimebag League.
If we want to talk about toss guitarist's i'll get the ball rolling with two names..
C.C. Deville
Mick Marrs
Before asked, i do play guitar for 16 years now. Being in a popular band doesn't make you "great"..