California gig


Dec 3, 2005
Guys, any remote chance of a Northern California gig AT ALL. Heck, minimal transportation considerations for you.

You spoiled me bad in Oakland, March of '04. I only had to drive 75 minutes to get there. I'm in awe of those who hopped planes to make the gig. I felt downright put out driving 6 hours to Whittier in June '04.

Is there even any chance I could come watch you guys practice in your garage?

... starvin' bad for some live Enchant.
OMG -- you're not going to believe this, but that's exactly what I came here today to propose!

I was just here a couple of days ago and there was no such topic.

It's as though you read my freakin' mind!

Anyway, yes, a Northern California show would be awesome and I would surely attend. :headbang: And yes, I echo the "practice gig praying mantis on the wall" proposal! :cool:

Hey, I wonder if the guys from Enchant will be at next month's Dream Theater show at The Warfield (Saturday, March 11). I'll be there with my wife and a few buddies.
I vote for another Southern California show myself, but getting a new studio release this year is higher on my priority list. :)

I'm serious. We'll bring $ and beer plus our own lawn chairs to hang out for a garage jam.

Just let us know when and where.
Hey guys.

Progdanz, Sharward, welcome to the forum. Thanks for the posts. Hey we may have some more news about the local show soon, and J man maybe the So Cal as well ? We need to resume writing etc for the new one first and figure out a way to balance family , work and a lot of other stuff first. We have all been very busy and needed the break.

Hey there is no garage anymore bro :) although thats where much of Wounded, Time Lost, Break and Blink came from :) well a custom garage that is :)

More soon OK.

Thanks again for asking.
ebass said:
Progdanz, Sharward, welcome to the forum. Thanks for the posts. Hey we may have some more news about the local show soon, and J man maybe the So Cal as well ?
Cool!! :headbang: Count me in! :worship:
We need to resume writing etc for the new one first and figure out a way to balance family, work and a lot of other stuff first. We have all been very busy and needed the break.
Understood. :) Just remember -- we're family too -- just a different kind, and probably more dysfunctional! :zombie: :yow: :ill: :err: :loco: :loco:

If you guys happen to feel up to it at some point, some kind of low-key "fan appreciation" event of sorts close to home would be awesome! :heh:

Thanks for all that you guys do...


I was talking to Doug about this, earlier today actually. We were thinking about setting it up so we could possibly do a weekend thing when the weather gets a little better out here. Something local involving a few other local bands here in NorCal. We have ideas but want the venues to be right for the event.

A low or not so low key hang is always great.

So the possibilty is getting less remote.

More soon

sharward said:
Cool!! :headbang: Count me in! :worship:

Understood. :) Just remember -- we're family too -- just a different kind, and probably more dysfunctional! :zombie: :yow: :ill: :err: :loco: :loco:

If you guys happen to feel up to it at some point, some kind of low-key "fan appreciation" event of sorts close to home would be awesome! :heh:

Thanks for all that you guys do...

Awesome!! :) I'll stay closely tuned to this forum for the latest on this!

I've only just gotten started with my Enchant CD collection, so maybe I'll wait and see about a possible show, because I'm sure there will be an Enchant merch table and I'd much rather put $ into the band's hands more directly than to go the retail route!

Hey, will the Star Spangeled Banner be on the set list? ;)
Hey we are working on the merch thing right now actually. Doug has been working hard to make stuff avialiable again.

We had a few other ideas as well. In the works and hoping to have more gear avialiable sooner than later.

Hey we appreciate that you want to purchase the merch at the show as well. Working on that as well.


sharward said:
Awesome!! :) I'll stay closely tuned to this forum for the latest on this!

I've only just gotten started with my Enchant CD collection, so maybe I'll wait and see about a possible show, because I'm sure there will be an Enchant merch table and I'd much rather put $ into the band's hands more directly than to go the retail route!

Hey, will the Star Spangeled Banner be on the set list? ;)
ebass said:

I was talking to Doug about this, earlier today actually. We were thinking about setting it up so we could possibly do a weekend thing when the weather gets a little better out here. Something local involving a few other local bands here in NorCal. We have ideas but want the venues to be right for the event.

A low or not so low key hang is always great.

So the possibilty is getting less remote.

More soon
Who knows? I just put in a vote for Enchant to play Jaxx (they are taking a vote on their site It does ask for zip code, so it may be most effective for all us east coasters - especially in the mid-atlantic to cast your votes NOW!!!

I'm sure that if the pay was enough, you'd be a bit more compelled to come east! I know its expensive, so I really do understand that it isn't as easy as just desiring to play here -- but man that would kick ASS!
Who Knows? come on Dude! LMAO

Rick Pierpont said:
Who knows? I just put in a vote for Enchant to play Jaxx (they are taking a vote on their site It does ask for zip code, so it may be most effective for all us east coasters - especially in the mid-atlantic to cast your votes NOW!!!

I'm sure that if the pay was enough, you'd be a bit more compelled to come east! I know its expensive, so I really do understand that it isn't as easy as just desiring to play here -- but man that would kick ASS!
When did it stop being about the music and about the VENUE now? nevermind money (thats a given)..but this??


ebass said:

I was talking to Doug about this, earlier today actually. We were thinking about setting it up so we could possibly do a weekend thing when the weather gets a little better out here. Something local involving a few other local bands here in NorCal. We have ideas but want the venues to be right for the event.

A low or not so low key hang is always great.

So the possibilty is getting less remote.

More soon
Its in your post bro. Whats up with the venue issue now? There are a number of venues in CA that are cool to play.


ebass said:

I was talking to Doug about this, earlier today actually. We were thinking about setting it up so we could possibly do a weekend thing when the weather gets a little better out here. Something local involving a few other local bands here in NorCal. We have ideas but want the venues to be right for the event.
A low or not so low key hang is always great.

So the possibilty is getting less remote.

More soon
Hmmmm whats up with the venues issue?

We are in the East Bay area of Nor Cal

Think about it.

It is ALWAYS about the music first, but your fans and family and friends should be comfortable and it sure makes for a better show in an atmosphere that fits the situation. We could go ahead and book a gig at any old place around here and it would be OK, or we can do something really cool ???

We are throwing ideas around right now and will all get togather and discuss it further. There is no way we play a place like the Pound in SF where most bands play which is a pit.

Throw some venues out brotha, I would love to here our Bay Area peoples take on this and what venue they like, and just how many would come out if we book a show?

Thanks Ed

jdennis007 said:
Its in your post bro. Whats up with the venue issue now? There are a number of venues in CA that are cool to play.

OK versus COOL lmao

Most places ARE pits and if its not the places then its the neigborhood (ex: Oakland)
whats funny here is that you contradict yourself... you say "There is no way we play a place like the Pound in SF where most bands play which is a pit" ..THEN you say "and just how many would come out if we book a show?" You just said it yourself man..If you have to ask just how many people would come out to see an Enchant show then you arent really that big of a band to book a venue that's not "the pits"!

If it's a band or (bands) I dig, I would travel to see them!

James D

ebass said:
Hmmmm whats up with the venues issue?

We are in the East Bay area of Nor Cal

Think about it.

It is ALWAYS about the music first, but your fans and family and friends should be comfortable and it sure makes for a better show in an atmosphere that fits the situation. We could go ahead and book a gig at any old place around here and it would be OK, or we can do something really cool ???

We are throwing ideas around right now and will all get togather and discuss it further. There is no way we play a place like the Pound in SF where most bands play which is a pit.

Throw some venues out brotha, I would love to here our Bay Area peoples take on this and what venue they like, and just how many would come out if we book a show?
Thanks Ed
jdennis007 said:
OK versus COOL lmao

Most places ARE pits and if its not the places then its the neigborhood (ex: Oakland)
whats funny here is that you contradict yourself... you say "There is no way we play a place like the Pound in SF where most bands play which is a pit" ..THEN you say "and just how many would come out if we book a show?" You just said it yourself man..If you have to ask just how many people would come out to see an Enchant show then you arent really that big of a band to book a venue that's not "the pits"!

If it's a band or (bands) I dig, I would travel to see them!

James D

I don't think Ed is contradicting himself. He wants to know how many people out of this board are ready to go and if there's a possible venue they might prefer/propose. For sure there will be a lot more people than the number of board members arround here.
If I'm wrong, sorry for that, Ed.

By the way...sitting here in Germany...envious as hell.... :)
Thanks and your right there is in no way a contradiction here.

Simply put, I have braved most clubs including the Pound ( which this is not about ) to see our buddies in Spocks Beard, or any other band I love at times. :zombie:

However we would not want to put people in a situation that they are leaving some horrible part of town or deserted run down area at most likely 1:am in the morning if we headline which we will. I have discussed this with Doug and he feels the same way, I am sure the other guys do as well.

And don,t be at all envious being in Germany because you get some awesome shows and the venues in Europe are very cool, even the dives have charisma ( well most :Smug: ) and something to them. I am not knocking the clubs here but why do you think most bands in our genre and where we are at just go ahead and skpi this area? yes there are other factors.

We will figure something out though if everything falls into place. We are just thinking it all out and I wanted to get some feedback because thats important to us.

So I have heard from a brave soul so far and appreciate your passion and opinion James D. What other local venues do you like?

slowhand said:
I don't think Ed is contradicting himself. He wants to know how many people out of this board are ready to go and if there's a possible venue they might prefer/propose. For sure there will be a lot more people than the number of board members arround here.
If I'm wrong, sorry for that, Ed.

By the way...sitting here in Germany...envious as hell.... :)