California gig

Thank you so much, Doug for the update. It's great to know that both you and Ed are all over a possible gig this year.

I will wait "im"patiently for the next update.
Douglas A. Ott said:
Ok, this has gotten out of hand here! Here's the deal: Ted lives 2 hours north of where I live, Bill an hour south, Sean 40 minutes west and Ed's about 25 minutes away from me. To get together to rehearse for a gig has been quite challenging since Ted moved north, that being said, we are still very interested in putting a show together this year but we need to make it work for us logistically; Ted has two kids, Bill has two kids, Ed has a son and Sean getting married later this year so we are all busy and just can't drop all our responsibilities to play a show at a whim, like when we were in our 20's. A lot of planning has to go in to it to make it work.

As far as the venue is concerned, we just want a place with a decent sound system, where the fans don't get mugged and there's parking available. The Pound is a shit hole, plain and simple. Our fans deserve better than just a below average show due to conditions at the club. There's nothing worse than seeing a band you love at a crappy venue; all you remember is how terrible it sounded and how much $ you wasted. So I think the fans of Enchant, who can make local gigs, deserve something better than just some mediocre performance at some crappy metal club in armpit, California. I'm also thinking of the folks that might travel to see the band here. I've been checking out venues and we are trying to get something worked out at a place near us which is nice, has a decent sound system and available parking; it also happens to be safe, which is a plus. No it's not in a posh neighborhood, which is a ridiculous comment anyway, but it is in a cool place that's easy to find and your car will still be there when the show is over.

When that happens, I'll let everyone know and we will all rejoice! I appreciate everyone appetite to see the band live, really I do; hell, I probably miss it more than anyone! It will happen this year, I promise you that I'm doing everything I can to make that happen. Please be patient.

Thanks for listening,


I understand where you are coming from more than you can imagine. OC is also plagued with geographical obstacles -- making it difficult to practice as often as we want. Add that to the the fact that I have primary custody of my two boys (8 and 10) and it further complicates things. I live in southern PA, our bassist lives the closest to me (he was my friend before joining) at 16 miles away, our amazing keyboardist lives in Baltimore (very close to where I grew up) - 45 miles away, but our other guitarist/singer and drummer live very close to each other WAY down in southern MD -- 141 miles away from me! The drummer is the only other with any children (hell, two of our members are practically children. :lol: We alternate between Mat's house in SoMD and my house in PA. We get together every other weekend for either practice or a show. We would love to be able to get together 2-3 times a week like most "normal" bands. Do they actually still exist?

My situation makes things a bit challenging as I won't play a show on a weekend I have my children unless it is absolutely stategic and necessary. I miss many concerts for the same reason. Enchant would definitely be an exception for me ;-) We also have an age spread which makes it interesting. Almost 43 down to almost 20! I'm at the upper end @ 37. Matt and I are both embedded systems software engineers, John is a network engineer. Savino and Craig are both college students. So we all have busy careers be it work or school.

And even though I'm totally unfamiliar with the Pound (only heard of it), I totally appreciate the band's stance on playing in a venue that is safer for its patrons. Wehn you guys come east. Jaxx is in a nice area, so you don't have to worry about that. ;) In fact, considering most clubs I've gone to, it is in a relatively "posh" area. Mare and Dave can back me up on that too since they are fairly regualrs at this place. BTW, I think some people forgot about the one person's negative comments about where you guys should and could play and may not have realized the reason for your anger in your post.

Anyhow, best of luck finding a suitable venue. I hope it works out great! Who knows, I may even have to hop on a plane if conditions are favorable at that time! I also hope that you guys are able to come east sooner rather than later. I can give you a list of clubs for this side of the country. :)

Take care!
Douglas A. Ott said:
Ok, this has gotten out of hand here! Here's the deal: Ted lives 2 hours north of where I live, Bill an hour south, Sean 40 minutes west and Ed's about 25 minutes away from me. To get together to rehearse for a gig has been quite challenging since Ted moved north, that being said, we are still very interested in putting a show together this year but we need to make it work for us logistically; Ted has two kids, Bill has two kids, Ed has a son and Sean getting married later this year so we are all busy and just can't drop all our responsibilities to play a show at a whim, like when we were in our 20's. A lot of planning has to go in to it to make it work.

As far as the venue is concerned, we just want a place with a decent sound system, where the fans don't get mugged and there's parking available. The Pound is a shit hole, plain and simple. Our fans deserve better than just a below average show due to conditions at the club. There's nothing worse than seeing a band you love at a crappy venue; all you remember is how terrible it sounded and how much $ you wasted. So I think the fans of Enchant, who can make local gigs, deserve something better than just some mediocre performance at some crappy metal club in armpit, California. I'm also thinking of the folks that might travel to see the band here. I've been checking out venues and we are trying to get something worked out at a place near us which is nice, has a decent sound system and available parking; it also happens to be safe, which is a plus. No it's not in a posh neighborhood, which is a ridiculous comment anyway, but it is in a cool place that's easy to find and your car will still be there when the show is over.

When that happens, I'll let everyone know and we will all rejoice! I appreciate everyone appetite to see the band live, really I do; hell, I probably miss it more than anyone! It will happen this year, I promise you that I'm doing everything I can to make that happen. Please be patient.

Thanks for listening,


Thanks so much for the detailed insight Doug! (and glad to see you on the forum a bit more.....:kickass: )

As far as those who would come in from out of town for this, I'll tell ya.... I have been SITTING on my American Express Reward Points for a YEAR - I have enough built up to roll over into the Jetblue point program and I have a round trip covered and waiting for me - just waiting to pull the trigger!
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

ENCHANT live in '06 baby.... it has been too long since the draft house and the DVD recording!

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Hey I missed the show, I very good friend and co worker passed away last Monday very sudden, the funeral was early Saturday man. It was a very rough week. A total "What to Say" situation, Thanks for the pics though. I will get up there sooner are later to see Ted and catch a show.
Well, it's been five months since Doug's most excellent update about the band's wishes to make a show happen in 2006. I imagine there's been a lot of "life" getting in the way... And/or perhaps there's been a desire to have all the I's dotted and T's crossed before making any announcements.

Any chance of our getting another update? How are things coming along?

No pressure -- just really enthused about the prospect of seeing a performance of what has definitely become one of my favorite bands. :)

Updates coming very soon for sure. We are actually working on a few things at the moment. We all have a lot of on our plates but it's high time we get the ball rolling again. Life and family and work have kept us beyond busy.

There have been a few opportunties for local gigs but nothing has worked out timing wise for us or the other groups we have been talking too about perfmorming with just yet.
I'll say it again.

If all you guys do is get together and jam in your garage, let me know. I am there with the fine ales and whatever else it takes.
'Nother day later..... lemme check..........................
....................yep... STILL READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass:
Douglas is in........he already posted his thoughts. This will be low key and not a big deal at all to start.

We are working out some scheduling issues and hopefully around the end of November works?

progdanz said:
Would like to hear what Douglas and "The Lung" both have to say regarding this matter.