California gig

I just had to revive this "oldie but goodie" thread to raise awareness of how long we've been bugging Enchant to play a live show, and how it (obviously) finally came to be!

The length of time it took to materialize is most surely not for lack of their willingness or desire to do a show, but rather, a reflection of the reality that there were significant challenges and scheduling barriers that had to be cleared before it could come together. Ed mentioned this past weekend that efforts had actually been underway for much longer behind the scenes.

Many thanks to Enchant and to Bay Area Rock Fest for making it happen -- finally! :)

At last, YES.

I just took note of the day I created this thread, FEB 3, 2006!!

The show was WORTH the wait. It went by entirely to quickly though.

I won't be making it to the SF gig in May unfortunately (family reality stuff of my own) but I hope this a sign of good gigs to come!!

Enchant, you guys are the best!
Yeah-- we are all laughing about how long this took to come together-- I only started talking to the guys back in July of last year and I know there was a lot of history even before then!! Hopefully there will be more fun things like this in the future