California gig


I had the privilege of seeing you at IMusiccast when you taped for the DVD. Aside from no ales, I thought that place was fine .. which conversely makes it "family friendly". I don't know much about that venue but do they host bands even when there's no taping?

I'd go right back there in a heartbeat to see you guys.

PS: You're right, The Pound is a dive (saw SB there as well) ... but I wouldn't hesitate to see you there either.
...did U not play in OAKLAND..?? imagine getting lost or your car breaking down there? and arent we all grown-ups here..are you really scared leaving a club at 1:00am? or 4:00am? and what happens if you do headline late and you over-stay the stroke of twelve, your coach will become but a pumpkin again? your horses will change back into mice? your footmen into lizards? oh wait thats Cinderella.

Everytime you step outside your home, anything can happen...seriously...tell me where you can find a metal club in a UPSCALE posh neigborhood?
Also you might want to note that some big name bands..whole lot bigger than Enchant have played this area..and some of the clubs you call "the pits".

Most bands in your genre have it hard enough as is....They dont go ahead and skip this area..not true..not if given the chance. Maybe just your band.

As I stated, any venue is fine with me so you dont need to keep asking me about venues.

You can discuss this cause I wont any longer. This is the feedback you so desire but yet it just seems like a dead end situation. I have exhausted myself seriously..have fun here.

Thanks guys and good luck finding the perfect venue, the perfect time, the perfect price, the pefect everything.

Its all about the music lmao.


ebass said:
However we would not want to put people in a situation that they are leaving some horrible part of town or deserted run down area at most likely 1:am in the morning if we headline which we will. I have discussed this with Doug and he feels the same way, I am sure the other guys do as well.

And don,t be at all envious being in Germany because you get some awesome shows and the venues in Europe are very cool, even the dives have charisma ( well most :Smug: ) and something to them. I am not knocking the clubs here but why do you think most bands in our genre and where we are at just go ahead and skpi this area? yes there are other factors.

We will figure something out though if everything falls into place. We are just thinking it all out and I wanted to get some feedback because thats important to us.

So I have heard from a brave soul so far and appreciate your passion and opinion James D. What other local venues do you like?
Hey imusicast is gone, and the location was a good one, right on and off 680.

There is a very cool all ages place in Walnut Creek now called now, it just opened up a few months ago and is really cool. I am doing some master bass classes there actually. Brad Gillis and a bunch of other incredible players are also teaching there and doing clinics etc, they also have a nice 100 seat room equipped for audio and video, They host host jams and offer a variety of services for musicians. It is small but intimate and a very good possibity for that type of show.

Actually there are some other places we have talked about and will work something out for you all.

Unless everyone is just so wanting us to play the Pound ? LMOA not really :Smug:

James its not all about you man, we are not that anal just really trying to think of our fans and friends and FAMILY.

There are other factors invloved as well. I think we will book something better for everyone that is as ideal as possible, not perfect but comfortable.

progdanz said:

I had the privilege of seeing you at IMusiccast when you taped for the DVD. Aside from no ales, I thought that place was fine .. which conversely makes it "family friendly". I don't know much about that venue but do they host bands even when there's no taping?

I'd go right back there in a heartbeat to see you guys.

PS: You're right, The Pound is a dive (saw SB there as well) ... but I wouldn't hesitate to see you there either.
jdennis007 said:
You can discuss this cause I wont any longer.
...And we all thank you for that! :lol:

Hey Ed, would you be interested in some Sacramento area venue ideas? I only ask because that's the area with which I'm most familiar (obviously, since I live there) and a friend of mine manages a band and books a number of acts around town. I'll be happy to put you in touch with him if you'd like... Just let me know, either in this thread or via a PM.

This is not about me trying to lobby you to come to Sacramento for my own sake, because I'll gladly drive out to the Bay Area to see you guys perform, regardless. :heh: And I'm all in favor of you guys playing in a nice venue where I can feel comfortable and secure, yet I'd most likely tolerate you playing at a hell hole too! :lol:

Hey there is a venue in Orangedale I have kept my eye on. Ted lives up that way and we have never ventured out there so maybe? I think that might be cool but we would all have to be into it. Thanks for the feedback.
You're thinking of The Boardwalk in Orangevale. Funny you should say that because I went to Dream Theater at The Warfield yesterdaywith my band managing buddy. The Boardwalk is the venue he thought would be most fitting -- all ages, yet a bar for those who care to drink. I've been there many times.

Can I get my friend in touch with whowever does your booking? I'm sure he'll have some valuable insights.

--Keith :rock:

PM me man, lets talk, hey I just clicked on your link and the Boardwalk has Kings X listed for 4/28 which is just great news, Ted is going to soil his drawers when he see's that. I am pretty sure we can,t miss that one. I saw some incredible shows last year but Kings X rocked harder than anyone. Don,t miss that one.

Thanks big time for this.

I almost went over there last night to see DT, just could not swing it.

sharward said:
You're thinking of The Boardwalk in Orangevale. Funny you should say that because I went to Dream Theater at The Warfield yesterdaywith my band managing buddy. The Boardwalk is the venue he thought would be most fitting -- all ages, yet a bar for those who care to drink. I've been there many times.

Can I get my friend in touch with whowever does your booking? I'm sure he'll have some valuable insights.

--Keith :rock:
ebass said:
I am sure after we make it happen everyone will bring masses of people too :cool:
You can count on it! I'll definitely be on your Sacramento street team if you decide to play out here... And even if you don't play this close, I'll at least fill up my own car with bodies and travel to wherever you do decide to play (within reason, of course)!
Ok, this has gotten out of hand here! Here's the deal: Ted lives 2 hours north of where I live, Bill an hour south, Sean 40 minutes west and Ed's about 25 minutes away from me. To get together to rehearse for a gig has been quite challenging since Ted moved north, that being said, we are still very interested in putting a show together this year but we need to make it work for us logistically; Ted has two kids, Bill has two kids, Ed has a son and Sean getting married later this year so we are all busy and just can't drop all our responsibilities to play a show at a whim, like when we were in our 20's. A lot of planning has to go in to it to make it work.

As far as the venue is concerned, we just want a place with a decent sound system, where the fans don't get mugged and there's parking available. The Pound is a shit hole, plain and simple. Our fans deserve better than just a below average show due to conditions at the club. There's nothing worse than seeing a band you love at a crappy venue; all you remember is how terrible it sounded and how much $ you wasted. So I think the fans of Enchant, who can make local gigs, deserve something better than just some mediocre performance at some crappy metal club in armpit, California. I'm also thinking of the folks that might travel to see the band here. I've been checking out venues and we are trying to get something worked out at a place near us which is nice, has a decent sound system and available parking; it also happens to be safe, which is a plus. No it's not in a posh neighborhood, which is a ridiculous comment anyway, but it is in a cool place that's easy to find and your car will still be there when the show is over.

When that happens, I'll let everyone know and we will all rejoice! I appreciate everyone appetite to see the band live, really I do; hell, I probably miss it more than anyone! It will happen this year, I promise you that I'm doing everything I can to make that happen. Please be patient.

Thanks for listening,

Thanks for the great update, Doug!

I do hope for our enthusiasm is received as what it is -- enthusiasm -- and not as "demands" or "pressure." :rolleyes: I think it's fair to say that we're all very excited about the plans that are in the works and we will most definitely show you that enthusiasm when you guys finally take the stage again. For me it will be very special as it will be my first time seeing you guys live. :)

We can also appreciate the logistics and the "families come first" constraints.

When you make it happen, we'll be there!

So, I guess we should probably just sit tight and wait for the news to break, rather than badger you guys to do more/faster -- even in jest -- eh? :rolleyes:

--Keith :D
i've been following this thread with much interest, although, unfortunately, chances are very small i'll be able to make it. :erk:

the idea of asking the fans for good or fave venues is pretty cool, and the requirements (for the venue) doug lists show how much the guys appreciate us and want fans to feel comfortable! :worship:

dear doug, i think we all can understand the situation with your families etc. and we certainly want the band to feel good about their shows, too. ;)

our excitement is just immediately triggered whenever the words "tour", "show" or "gig" are mentioned in combination with "enchant". :D