

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
It's a historic day for this craphole, this "Total Recall" as it has been penned will be remembered for at LEAST 5 or 6 days or so. :smug:

So what is it about this place, and why is it that Californians have this delusion that EVERYBODY in the world wants to live here? A college professor of mine that lived in Michigan before moving out here once said "Californians see the US as so: Los Angeles, Los Vegas, farms, New York." I have never lived out of this state, but I have never thought that this was such a great place. Granted, I have the desert, the mountains, the beach (I hate the beach, but others don't), and a "cultured" big city all within an hour's drive, but that is it. The people suck, the air is terrible, the roads are congested, the earthquakes are killer, and everyone drives damn automatic transmissions. :D

In other words, this place would be great if it weren't for the fucking people.

Watcha think? Ever been? Want to go? Hate it? Waiting for Arizona Bay?

Clarification of my rant: San Francisco owns, as does much of Northern California. The idiots are mostly concentrated in the cancer that is Los Angeles and surrounding areas. And yes, the Raiders do suck. :)
never been. don't really care to visit. If I do, great, if I don't, I won't be upset. Personally, I'd rather live on the East Coast or Canada. The uneducated view I have of California is a smoggy, gang-infested land where a Big Mac costs $7, and everyone is busy trying to look rich. This view is probably mostly due to Las ANgeles.

never cared for the Raiders.
I like the California landscape, weather and most of the states laid back lifestyle. Anything North of LA is alright by me.

Been to LA, SF and SD and Bakersfield ... I like California, but LA is a freaking pit. I am glad though that I got to experience the decadence (although fading at the time) of the Sunset Strip Glam Scene. Was a hoot for the few days I've seen it ...

LA is truely fantasy land ... especially if you are into movies and celebrities.

"Californians see the US as so: Los Angeles, Los Vegas, farms, New York."
LOL .. that is funny as this is how most New Yorkers see thigs to except in reverse ... hell ... forget that .. New Yorkers don't think anything else exists outside NY.

I would like to move to a warmer climate though ... and CA would be a prime candidate, with Spain a close second :)
NAD said:
a "cultured" big city
Lemme guess, it's 'cultured' because it's full of immagrants? Wouldn't surprise me, over here 'culture' = everything non-white. I'd hate to sound out of order, but if you live here for at least 18 years that's the honest story :(
No, what I mean by cultured is that there are tons of concerts, venues, plays, theatres, museums, performing arts, street peoples, etc.

Although your definition definitely applies! Not as compact as San Francisco where you take a trip around the globe within 3 blocks, but there seems to be a bit of everyone out here, even Prussians. :p
NAD said:
No, what I mean by cultured is that there are tons of concerts, venues, plays, theatres, museums, performing arts, street peoples, etc.
Ahhhhhhh....well that's perfectly fair. I do get aggrevated when 'culture' is measured over here by the number of kebab shops/Chinese/Indian restaurants/gang related shootings/asylum seekers to native population ratio/the BBC changing it's logo between programmes in order to conform to Jew Labour's multicultural agenda et-fucking-cetera...but that's my beef and I just shared it because I could :p We have everything you have in my city but you may get beaten up by an Iraqi on the way...

Although your definition definitely applies! Not as compact as San Francisco where you take a trip around the globe within 3 blocks, but there seems to be a bit of everyone out here, even Prussians. :p
You have Prussians?! :eek: RESPECT!!!
lurch70 said:
LOL .. that is funny as this is how most New Yorkers see thigs to except in reverse ... hell ... forget that .. New Yorkers don't think anything else exists outside NY.
That is so true - what's worse is that New Yorkers refer to Manhattan as "the city" even when they're NOT in New York. They just assume that everyone in the world refers to Manhattan as "the city".

California is attractive due to the good weather. I mean, what, am I going to choose Florida over California? I don't think so. Like I've said before, I want fucking San Diego weather all year round. Phoenix gets too hot, but a lot of people are moving to Arizona each year. Actually, I like Hawaii weather - nice and sunny, with some heavy downpours once in a while just to keep the streets clean and the palm trees green and lush.

San Franciso is overrated IMO. I preferred San Diego by a mile. It reminds me of Melbourne (Aus) which is my favorite city in the world.

Me rambling - what was the question? Oh yeah California - Hollywood, pretty women with nice big silicone implants, movie stars, Beverly Hills, Malibu, white sands....come on, the streets are paved with gold, are they not?
Ayeka said:
Ahhhhhhh....well that's perfectly fair. I do get aggrevated when 'culture' is measured over here by the number of kebab shops/Chinese/Indian restaurants.....
Bless the Ruby Murray. There is nothing in the world quite like it. More Indian restaurants in the UK than there are in India (fact), and it is quite simply the best food in the world. Especially at 11pm after 10 pints of Fosters.

Yeah, great golden streets... FOR ME TO POOP ON!

Arizona is looking good right about now, it's the desert and it's not California, which is pretty much what I'm looking for at this point.

I was kidding about the Prussians. Maybe some decendents though. :D
NAD said:
I was kidding about the Prussians. Maybe some decendents though. :D
I lived near a town on the outskirts of Philadelphia called King of Prussia. Seriously, that's the name of the town.

They have a big mall too. I always get lost in Phili - the roadsigns are non-existent.
That is so true - what's worse is that New Yorkers refer to Manhattan as "the city" even when they're NOT in New York. They just assume that everyone in the world refers to Manhattan as "the city".
NY is such an off the wall city, that you can never understand it unless you lived here. Simply visiting will not do.

I honestly think there is no other place in the US or the World where so many nationalities co-exist and live in peace.

Just read in the Sunday NY Times that in Queens, NY alone (where I live), there are 243 different nationalities co-existing.

This is what I like about this freaking open sewer, the diversity of it. I mean you can be in every country in the world within minutes.

My theory why crime has been on the decline in NY is that with so many different people here you never know who is crazier ... the perp or the victim? So people just don't fuck with eachother ...
Absolutely - there is NO place like New York city. No lie, but every time I go into the city, I get excited like it's the first time all over again. Talk about bright lights, big city.

You discover something new every time you go into NYC - a bit like Amsterdam with all those beastiality and skat mags open to the centerfold in the shop windows.
NAD . . . you should move up to SLO. I'll find you a nice 2 bedroom house for no more than $600,000. I can't guarantee any yard or garage with that, though.

I like where I am in California, but it is so nice it is TERRIBLY expensive . . . the housing at least. I can't belive the weather is still the same as it was in July. That's so crazy. 49 degrees is a artic blizzard to people around here . . . seriously. I saw people wearing winter coats and hats the other morning, and it was only 52 degrees. What's up with that?

The people are very cool where I am, but I'd understand if you can't afford to move here NAD. If your ever up this way, let me know. We'll go to the nude beach or something . . . oh, you don't like beaches do you. Well, we'll figure something out.

You going to either of the Slayer shows out here NAD. 11/29 or 11/30, I think. One is in Ventura and one is in Universal City. I'd be interested in meeting you there if you want to go. I can't find anybody else that wants to go, and I know Los Angelos like I know the inside of my ass.
I'm trying to get a few buddies to go to the Universal Ampitheatre show, I'd be buying my tickets probably early next week regardless, I'll shoot you a PM first to let ya know, and we can coooordinate something then. But if you boo Arch Enemy I'm disowning you. :)

SLO is definitely nice, reminds me of a close-knit version of San Fran, and housing is damn near as expensive down here as it is up there. One advantage to working in the housing industry is there is a lot of money. Unfortunately it prevents me from buying a house here because I know how much every homebuyer is getting screwed. $200k will get you a 6 bedroom 4,000 sq. ft. house in a good neighborhood in Nevada. $200k down here gets you a 60 year old 1,200 sq. ft. shack, in the frickin' slums. I think developers have a 40% profit margin here, damn crooks.

I have always had a fascination with NYC and plan on living there some day... even though I have never travelled further east than Vegas.
Damn, housing is expensive as hell in Cali. My house that I bought was only $152,000, and it's 3-bedroom, (optional 4-bedroom, but I wanted a game-room instead) 2.5 bath. It's a two story, and we have a pretty big lot with a huge backyard. It's also located in a very up-scale neighborhood north of Houston, so while I'm driving around in a Trailblazer or Honda Accord, my neighbors are driving Mercedes and BMWs. And we're at the end of a cul-de-sac. Yay!

What does $152,000 get you in Cali? A crack-house?

I've only visited NY one time, so I'm no expert. But based on my visit, I wouldn't miss NY if I never see it again. Everything is expensive as hell (I think a Whopper was like $5.99 as opposed to $2.99 here) and people drive like fucking maniacs. And everyone seems to be in such a goddamn hurry. Fucking relax, man. Personally, I like the laid-back attitude, so I wouldn't make it out alive in NY.