
lurch70 said:
... his thought is that people do not wnat to be in their 200 sq. ft. apartments, so they all just hang in bars and outdoor cafes.
That sounds about right. And plus, the vast majority of 20-somethings in NYC are on the dating circuit so that's another reason they're always out on the pull. The only single people not on the dating scene are probably at a metal gig.

I live about 40 minutes outside of the city. Close enough to get in and out, far enough to enjoy some fresh air and greenery. The hustle-bustle of NYC would get to me after a while, but I suppose it could be Hong Kong where my sister lives. That place is just one big exhaust pipe. :ill:
oh well. california should be a specticle. i would only live in cali or a different country. fuck the rest of the USA. bunch of hicks. and the east coast is too fuckin cold. snow at sea level? what the fuck is that about?
neal said:
motherfucker. i cant believe you said that. i should pull out my nine and start peelin caps like bannanas.
When I start writing 'The Shield' spec script I now know who to contact to get a feel for authentic street language.

Ayeka said: we got ethnic dances, quadraplrgic dances, New Zealand rugby dances...everything covered except the white middle class suburban man who actually watches the BBC..
Well I for one believe that the BBC should be given merit for these little sequences as it shows that we do live in an ever evolving society. I think they add a nice little touch in between programs - it is a medium which brings people together. I think you are being a bit harsh by your statement about white middle class people not being represented as that is the BBC's bread and butter - Middle England.

Jaykeeley said:
If I told that geezer once, I told him a million times: "Sell CISCO stock now you mong". But did he listen? The fuck he did. He was too busy shagging that Catwoman slag innit.
That is fucking hilarious! I'm in stitches reading this. :)
ChiefB said:
Well I for one believe that the BBC should be given merit for these little sequences as it shows that we do live in an ever evolving society. I think they add a nice little touch in between programs - it is a medium which brings people together. I think you are being a bit harsh by your statement about white middle class people not being represented as that is the BBC's bread and butter - Middle England.
It's a fair point, but I ask you - how come everyone else gets represented apart from us? We've been living here thousands of years, now suddenly we're not on the fashionable agenda or something :(
Ayeka said:
It's a fair point, but I ask you - how come everyone else gets represented apart from us? We've been living here thousands of years, now suddenly we're not on the fashionable agenda or something :(
I kind of know what you're saying, but I take my hat off to the BBC. I think they do a good job of integrating minorites. Growing up in the 70's, England was very different. No integration, lots of segregation. Thankfully times have changed and for the most part, the UK is a well integrated society. And it works - people get along. There is no history of slavery and all that pulava.

I like the fact that they go out on a limb and let shows like "Goodness Gracious Me" exist. It's the same in America though, there are certain channels like UPN that go out of their way to market the black audience.

An who's 'us' anyway? It's always been a case of Normans, Celts, Vikings, Saxons, and sheep shaggers. Now it's just West Indians, Stanis, Heebs, and Geordies. I guess the BBC themselves represent the white middle class, heh.
Sheep shaggers....hahahahaha...

Ugh, UPN is terrible. If I were black I would be offended, all those shows take the worst stereotypes and amplify them.
NAD said:
Ugh, UPN is terrible. If I were black I would be offended, all those shows take the worst stereotypes and amplify them.
Quite honestly, NAD, it's the 'making fun of stereotypes' that black people enjoy. It somehow strips the harm out of it when they themselves are performing those stereotypes as comedy. Well, that's my guess but I think I'm right.
Huh, well I'm not exactly Mr. Black Person like Jerry McGuire. Although Showtime at the Apollo definitely fuels your theory...

Either way I can't stand those shows on UPN, but I think most sitcoms suck ass anyhow. I like a lot of Fox ones though, Bernie Mac, Malcom, Married... with Children, etc.
Oh yeah, for sure, UPN sucks goatsblood balls. They killed the Buffy series, the latest Star Trek is a joke, Wrestling is just too gay for words, and everything else is in ebonics.

Talk about stereotypes by the way - notice how in commercials during "black shows" there is ALWAYS an ad for Kentucky Fried Chicken?
:lol: x17

That remark might belong in the Snus thread...

Anyone ever been to Inglewood? There are SEVEN fried chicken shacks in a 2 block span.
yeh. its pretty weak too that the white charactors on those shows are always either the bumbling idiot neighbor that gets made fun of all the time for being an uptight white guy (cant dance, cant jump, small dick, walks funny, all those lame jokes that black comedians do over and over and over), or they're the villian. the only good tv shows are the daily show and cartoons.
Yeah, but you know I'm not kidding! If I was CEO of KFC, I would for sure want to be advertising all over prime time UPN.

Hey, just the same way that Goldman Sachs advertise on classical radio stations on AM radio.

Marketing is nothing but a science of knowing where to apply stereotypes. Am I right or am I politically incorrect?
We're ALL political incorrect around here.

But yeah, you're right. Market to target audience, and the audience is best found by going for common characteristics, ie: stereotypes.
JayKeeley said:
I kind of know what you're saying, but I take my hat off to the BBC. I think they do a good job of integrating minorites. Growing up in the 70's, England was very different. No integration, lots of segregation. Thankfully times have changed and for the most part, the UK is a well integrated society. And it works - people get along. There is no history of slavery and all that pulava.

I like the fact that they go out on a limb and let shows like "Goodness Gracious Me" exist. It's the same in America though, there are certain channels like UPN that go out of their way to market the black audience.

An who's 'us' anyway? It's always been a case of Normans, Celts, Vikings, Saxons, and sheep shaggers. Now it's just West Indians, Stanis, Heebs, and Geordies. I guess the BBC themselves represent the white middle class, heh.
Us = the Normans (read: exiled Vikings), Celts, Vikings, Saxons and Cornish subhumans, exactly...while you present one side of what's happening here, the other side is that we are being swarmed with illegals and now being forced to cater for them all. Even Labour have admitted that they don't know how many are loose here.
Grand, we got Goodness Gracious Me, I got mates from Japan, India, Bulgaria, it's not like this is Texas. BUT we got them mugging people in what were respectable areas of town, a lynching of Iraqis a few weeks back, benefit fraud, gang shootings...nothing that doesn't happen in America, sure. I just can't believe we're forced to throw our arms wide open to this shit.
You don't need to have a BBA to understand this, but it helps...Marketing is indeed only a matter of selecting and targeting the proper demographic, and appealing to their basest instincts and insulting their intelligence subtly enough that they heed the call to conform.