
Ayeka said:
Us = the Normans (read: exiled Vikings), Celts, Vikings, Saxons and Cornish subhumans, exactly...while you present one side of what's happening here, the other side is that we are being swarmed with illegals and now being forced to cater for them all. Even Labour have admitted that they don't know how many are loose here.
Yes that is a problem everywhere around the world it seems. But I don't see how the BBC using "Jamaican flare" or "Chinese dragon dancing" in between TV show segments is catering to illegal immigrants as such. What about all the 'foreign' first generation UK citizens who have been nationalised for the last 20 years?

Grand, we got Goodness Gracious Me, I got mates from Japan, India, Bulgaria, it's not like this is Texas. BUT we got them mugging people in what were respectable areas of town, a lynching of Iraqis a few weeks back, benefit fraud, gang shootings...nothing that doesn't happen in America, sure. I just can't believe we're forced to throw our arms wide open to this shit.
Yeah I hear what you're saying man, but illegal immigrants coming in to the UK and turning the place to shit is different to TV catering to a diverse audience from different ethnic backgrounds. The fact is, ethnic minorities exist in the UK as legal citizens who work hard for a living and pay tax, so why not?

I do hear what you're saying though, Ayeka - why not show some traditional British value as well? You should write an e-mail to Auntie Beeb. I would back you up, and I'm a Stani.
Grunt! Computer caned my reply! I will do it again later...for now, I am satisfied with your response :)
remember that family guy episode where they were talking about how in brittian they have driive-by arguments instead of shootings?
"say, isnt that reginold the young upstart that thinks (something i cant remember)?"
*drives up*
"oh reginald.....i disagree!!"
*speeds away*
hahaha i love that show.
neal said:
remember that family guy episode where they were talking about how in brittian they have driive-by arguments instead of shootings?
"say, isnt that reginold the young upstart that thinks (something i cant remember)?"
*drives up*
"oh reginald.....i disagree!!"
*speeds away*
hahaha i love that show.

I never watch this show, but maybe I should, heh.
Everyone should watch the Family Guy. I need to get them DVDs.

"You know, my great great great uncle invented golf back in Scotland"
*flashback to fat Scotsman in a kilt*
"Alright so as long as we got the rules straight: no blacks and no Jews"

They tried to get away with what the Simpsons couldn't.
did you see that simpsons where homer cloned himself a bunch, and it pans past a field full of homers, but one of them is peter? im not sure if the reference was all in good fun or not...probably was though.
I've seen that episode, but I don't really remember that, they need to show that one on the repeats soon. Wait, that was a Halloween one right?

They've made Family Guy references before, like the PBS one with Betty Davis saying "you should donate or quality programming will go out the window" and she clicks off the TV that says FAMILY GUY on it. Cool.
[size=1 said:
Ayeka] [/size]It's a fair point, but I ask you - how come everyone else gets represented apart from us? We've been living here thousands of years, now suddenly we're not on the fashionable agenda or something :(
I attended a BBC scriptwriters conference two weeks ago and the percentage of 'white programming' is 60-70%. That is a staggering amount which shows that the BBC have not made the 'whitey' unfashionable. In fact, all the programs I watch on the BBC are 'white' programs, there isn't that much ethnic programming at the moment. Ethnics in the UK only make up a meagre 9% of the total population - but we are breeding fast boyee :)

NAD said:
Everyone should watch the Family Guy
I have season two on DVD and that is so incredibly funny. Two of my favourite episodes are: Road to Rhode Island - Brian offers to travel cross country to pick up Stewie but ends up getting drunk at the airport and looses the plane tickets. Dammit Janet! - Peter forces Janet to become an airline stewardess - so he can fly for free!
ChiefB said:
I attended a BBC scriptwriters conference two weeks ago and the percentage of 'white programming' is 60-70%. That is a staggering amount which shows that the BBC have not made the 'whitey' unfashionable. In fact, all the programs I watch on the BBC are 'white' programs, there isn't that much ethnic programming at the moment. Ethnics in the UK only make up a meagre 9% of the total population - but we are breeding fast boyee :)
So... Uh... How is 60-70% "white" programming "staggering" when "ethnics" (that's such a dumb word for anyone not white... Are white people suddenly less "ethnic" than anyone else? BLAH) in the UK make up 9%? I mean there's probably something wrong with my logic but I'd say 91% "white" programming would be pretty logical in that case.
I hate the ethnicity box on any survey, test, etc. I've ever taken, it has 50 specific varieties of race and then:

White (not of Hispanic origin)

What the fuck does that mean anyhow? I always check decline to state because I don't want to miss out on any free shit there may be coming my way. :p
[size=1 said:
Erik] [/size]So... Uh... How is 60-70% "white" programming "staggering" when "ethnics" (that's such a dumb word for anyone not white... Are white people suddenly less "ethnic" than anyone else? BLAH) in the UK make up 9%? I mean there's probably something wrong with my logic but I'd say 91% "white" programming would be pretty logical in that case.
The statement was written to emphasise that the current slate of BBC programming was definately representative of white people - they are the bread and butter of the corporation and always will be. Ayeka had commented about the decline in 'white' representation which I do not see when I watch the BBC. If you read his post, you get the impression that BBC has almost become UPN like, which the BBC obviously hasn't. So my use of the word 'staggering' in response to his post is an absolute fair usage of the word.

Let's get some facts straight here. I'm an ethnic and I don't believe that my post in anyway denigrates white people - that is not who I am. Secondly, in the UK we have come a long way since the 1970's, when it was normal behaviour for a group of white thugs to batter coloured people without punishment. The word ethnic was introduced into our vocabulary because it easily distinguishes a white person from a non-white person. Our vocabularly at the time was littered with references of sambo, my pals, paki etc which had become common language usage and promoted at the time by BBC and ITV. Through time and understanding our society has improved and these words are not tolerated because they are offensive and doragotory. The word ethnic has become so important to our society because the UK has a much greater understanding of the differences of people that are now on a par with the general populas of the uk - majority white. That is key reason why I consider myself an ethnic - look at the about us page on RC and you tell me.
OK, yeah, I admit I hadn't read all of the above posts. I don't even know what UPN is.

ChiefB said:
The word ethnic was introduced into our vocabulary because it easily distinguishes a white person from a non-white person.
Sorry, but I think using the word "ethnic" in that way is a total misuse of the word, and suggesting that white people lack ethnicity is wrong at best.


         1. Of or relating to a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.
         2. Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a
national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries:
ethnic Hungarians living in northern Serbia.
         3. Of, relating to, or distinctive of members of such a group: ethnic restaurants; ethnic art.
   2. Relating to a people not Christian or Jewish; heathen.

I just do not see that "ethnic" is a proper word to be used to mean "non-white."

I went to music store during lunch and they have many sets of headphones so customers can listen to the latest releases in various genres of music. There were two black guys listening to some headphones, and they were obviously friends, seeing how they left together. Well, one of them was kinda dancing (if you can call it that) to the music and the other started rapping along with the music, very loudly.

This didn't bother me in the least, and I actually thought it was funny. Apparently one of the employees (a white guy) found it annoying as he went over there and asked him to stop rapping. He (employee) told the black guy "I don't get paid to hear you rap."

The black dude took offense to this and started the whole "you're doing this because I'm black" thing. He continued on about the white dude stopping him because he (employee) doesn't like rap.

I believe both were at fault, but I just found it eye-opening, because you usually only hear about these kinds of occurences. The employee shouldn't have been an ass about te rapping, but the black guy shouldn't have played the "the white man's trying to keep me down" card.

Anyway, the two black dudes were basically escorted out of the store.

Sorry, I thought it was interesting.
"ethnic" should NOT be used on it's own. It should be "ethnic MINORITY". People become lazy and just refer to us colored people as ethnics, but in truth, my blonde haired wife is more 'ethnic' than me, heh.

By the way, in the UK:

70% = White
9% = Ethnic Minorties (non white or hispanic) :)
21% = Welsh
Dreamlord said:
but the black guy shouldn't have played the "the white man's trying to keep me down" card.
Some people abuse that even when it's obvious that a white person would have said/done the same to another. Sadly, there's so much "I must do everything I can to come across as non-racist and PC, and because I am white I must feel guilty" mentality amongst whites nowadays that they often get away with it. Of course, what happens in the long run is that these people ruin things for decent black men...
JayKeeley said:
"ethnic" should NOT be used on it's own. It should be "ethnic MINORITY". People become lazy and just refer to us colored people as ethnics, but in truth, my blonde haired wife is more 'ethnic' than me, heh.

By the way, in the UK:

70% = White
9% = Ethnic Minorties (non white or hispanic) :)
21% = Welsh
Yes. Saying ethnic minority makes much more sense, and such usage adheres to the common definition of the word. What all my whining about usage of the word "ethnic" basically boils down to for me is that I'm very sensitive to rape of languages.
Good post, Erik.

I'm sure this store employee would have just ignored me if I was screaming like a banshee to TOday is the Day. yeah right....
You know, there is a thread in the General Music discussion about the lack of black people in metal.

Two dumb things about that thread:

(1) Some white people were laughing at black people wearing Mayhem and Burzum shirts to metal shows.

(2) Some white guy said metal was better without black people because he lives in Queens in a rundown neighborhood or something like that, and in response, some black guy came in and talked about the 400 years of slavery etc, and then ended it with this:

black people > white people

:lol: I have to admit, this made me laugh. I mean, that is the sort of thing NAD would do when describing Slayer albums, heheheehe.