Shithole Venues


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
(inspired by the Cannibal Corpse offtopic :D )

The Roxy in Los Angeles
A big FUCK YOU to all the security at this place, never have I seen such assholes, verbally harassing everyone who walked in and letting all their buddies in for free. During the show I watched one security guard mob the moshpit and kick the shit out of people. Also, I've shit in some pretty nasty bathrooms before (I have no shame when it comes to that), but this bathroom just screams Bum Fuckshack, one single stall about half the size of a common portapooper for the whole venue. The one benefit to this place is that it is extremely small, but even that is flawed. There is one stupid hallway that pretty much guarantees you will get hurt upon exiting, and even though the stage is within 20 feet of everyone in the place, it is so low that nobody but the 7 foot tall have a good view.

When this pile of puke is within walking distance of incredible venues like the Key Club, the Troubadour, the Whiskey, and the House of Blues, I'll never go back to that dump again. :yuk:
The two I've been to in Houston suck ass. Numbers is horrible. Small, hot, smelly.

THe Engine Room is slighty better because it is bigger, giving everyone room to breathe. But the sound in there is kinda bad.

I haven't been to the most popular one, Fitzgerald's, because it's in the middle of the ghetto, and I've heard horror stories about cars being broken into and stolen. Not to mention the lack of parking and dozens of tow trucks just waiting to take someone's car.
The worst venue I've ever been to is The Agora in Cleveland... which strangely gets EVERY metal show. Not only is the venue worthless and puny... but it's located in the biggest bombed out ghetto I've ever seen. No restaurants, no entertainment... nothing but empty, crumbling buildings everywhere.

Jaxx in W. Springfield, VA (DC Area) is also a shitty venue. Located in a suburban nightmare of a strip mall, the stage is practically only inches above the floor... making it impossible to see anything but the heads of the band.

That said... I think my new favorite venue is the 9:30 Club in Washington D.C. Went there a couple weeks ago for Opeth, and it impressed me thoroughly.