
I'm looking into Arizona, I'd rather be more toward Flagstaff than Phoenix though. Just need to get off my ass and go, what's the worst that could happen? I'd have to sell my couch and TV to afford a plane ticket back to the folks house and start over? So what! :loco:

I'd rather stay away from pollution thanks, that's a lot of the reason I want to move. :tickled:
wait till you come to NY, you will run back to the West Coast and cherish it forever. :)

All kidding aside, I really do dig NY ... I realized it the other day. There really is no place like it. People are cool, awesome places to eat. Shitload of things to do.
Thanks to 9/11 the traffic has eased up as due to all the checkpoints in the city, as many people choose not to drive.
All I hate is the period from November to February ... shit rain and usually fucking brutally cold. Otherwise I like this mess of a town.
J. said:
At least Hillary supports a shared, or universal, health care system like that of Canada. SO does Howard Dean, which is why the dems will get my vote.
You know, it's actually not that amazing, in Canada, we have to wait like 9 hours to actually get treated because people use the hospital for fucking wussy things like the "fever", too many people just abuse the system. Of course it's probably slightly better, but our taxes are really high too.
Dude, I once had a huge gash in my fucking head that required 17 stitches. I waited for about an hour or two in the waiting room having to use paper towels to keep from dripping blood on the carpet. Our hospitals suck unless you have an absolute life threatening problem.

Eh, your arms broken? Use the other one while you wait, dumbass.

And for the second year in a row, my employer is taking more out of my paycheck to help pay for rising health care costs. Thank you, Mr. Bush.