Call me insensitive....

Aw dude wtf I fucking clicked like 15 pictures until I realized WTF I was looking at... serves me right for not clicking the top ones first... :erk: I also should have read the picture :lol:
^Well, I don't know... I think they see it as honoring their dead child, you know, paying tribute putting them on display to others who have suffered the same loss... a kind of remembrance in a community setting... we might think it's fucked, but well, if it helps them get some kind of closure or peace then it's a good thing... even though I really didn't want to have to see deformed, dead and embalmed babies (the ones with their mouths open were the worst).

But then again what do I know, I'm just trying to look at it from the other side even though I don't agree with photographing my dead child an putting it online. I mean fuck, you never know where it will end up. There could be some 15 year old from 4chan jerking off to this website right now (there probably is too).

But seriously, I mean, a name or something to remember them is enough, in my opinion. Putting a picture is simply disrespectful and sick. Grieving and recovering from a loss can be done on your own or with support from friends/family etc.. Not EVERYONE has to know that your child died and you're sad.
How sick :(
Atleast honour your fucking child!
Some parents.

How did you come across this website?
Were you looking pecifically for it? :/
I saw one pic, and the babies skull looked crushed
I had to close the window.
Seriously though...I understand being heartbroken over your dead child, but to post pictures of it on the internet....that's just fucking sick.

Well maybe they don't know what goes on on the net...I mean, not everyone is aware of the type of people you can find on the internet.
^Well, I don't know... I think they see it as honoring their dead child, you know, paying tribute putting them on display to others who have suffered the same loss... a kind of remembrance in a community setting... we might think it's fucked, but well, if it helps them get some kind of closure or peace then it's a good thing... even though I really didn't want to have to see deformed, dead and embalmed babies (the ones with their mouths open were the worst).

But then again what do I know, I'm just trying to look at it from the other side even though I don't agree with photographing my dead child an putting it online. I mean fuck, you never know where it will end up. There could be some 15 year old from 4chan jerking off to this website right now (there probably is too).
Exactly my thoughts.

But seriously, I mean, a name or something to remember them is enough, in my opinion. Putting a picture is simply disrespectful and sick. Grieving and recovering from a loss can be done on your own or with support from friends/family etc.. Not EVERYONE has to know that your child died and you're sad.

:lol: Well, similar to what you said, people grieve and deal with things in their own way. I don't agree with what they've done, but it's their choice and I don't judge them. Who the fuck am I to say they're not allowed to do what they did or that it's wrong. Like I said, if it brought them some closure, then I'm glad, let them psot another 10,000 dead babies online if it somehow helps. Also, its not 'everyone' they want to know, it's a site/community dedicated to people who went through that loss. I am just trying to imagine that, well... going through something like that might fuck you up mentally a bit. I mean after all it's your child, and while I hate kids and I'm never having any, people who planned one and had it die at the end of the endeavour well, it's sad and I can't help but think that would mess you up a bit.

P.S. I agree a name would have sufficed :lol:

I saw one pic, and the babies skull looked crushed
I had to close the window.
Why, was there a baby on the window sill and you were trying to make it look like the one you saw in the picture?

Well maybe they don't know what goes on on the net...I mean, not everyone is aware of the type of people you can find on the internet.
I'm going to have to agree, did you see how shit that webpage was :lol:

I don't blame the parents, I blame organized religion.
:lol: How the fuck is this religion's fault? You're the oldest guy here I think and you said the most immature thing. Congrats! :loco:

Exactly my thoughts.

We're smart. :)
:lol: How the fuck is this religion's fault? You're the oldest guy here I think and you said the most immature thing. Congrats! :loco:

Alot is religions fault but not i agree. Also...correct me if im wrong but i believe dawnghost is the oldest one here. I think he is like 29 or something...