Call me insensitive....


:lol: Clearly the person who was like.. I'LL TAKE YOUR PICTURE GET CLOSE was an asshole :lol: Look at their expressions... :erk:
^What an awesome memory to preserve, I'm sure that feeling of losing your child after carrying it for 9 months is just an incredible moment in her life she wants to recall at will.... taking a picture of the child is one thing, to keep the memory on... but posing WITH the corpse in some fucking bizarro family photo... I dunno man :s
^What an awesome memory to preserve, I'm sure that feeling of losing your child after carrying it for 9 months is just an incredible moment in her life she wants to recall at will.... taking a picture of the child is one thing, to keep the memory on... but posing WITH the corpse in some fucking bizarro family photo... I dunno man :s


I understand that it's heartbreaking to go 9 mos. excited for the day of birth to only have it come out stillborn, but dressing it up and posing for pictures? Just toss it in the trash and try again.
Necrö;7396626 said:
congratulations, you really found the most creepy website ever.

infact, you're the first one who found a website that made me honestly go ":ill::erk:" (a mixture really)

You must be new here.

By here I mean the internet, that site wasn't anything.

I understand that it's heartbreaking to go 9 mos. excited for the day of birth to only have it come out stillborn, but dressing it up and posing for pictures? Just toss it in the trash and try again.

I only saw pictures of the babies, this was the first one I saw of the family posing with the dead baby which is a little out of the range of understanding for me, yet they still have that right I guess... like I said, a picture of the baby, to remember what he/she looked liked years down the road so you don't completely forget about your child... that is one thing and I get that completely... taking an eerie family photo like that well... I just hope they didn't fucking use it as their Christmas Card.
Ok, seriously, am I the only one who didn't find that disturbing at all?

Edit: It's not a "Ahah you are all pussies" post, it's a serious question, I'm not being an internet tough guy.