Calling all computer guys


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
I have a problem.
I downloaded a torrent with six files contained therin. one of them is an .exe file that is of primairy importance. the entire thing downloaded without incident, but when I right-clicked the file and opened the file-location the .exe file was not there. what the hell?
Very bizarre indeed. you sure you looked in the right file? and that the torrent you downloaded contained that .exe file?
yep. but I'll make this simpler and less cryptic.
I downloaded Mixcraft, and recorded a few scetches of some songs. now I'm trying to mix them down to MP3, but It won't let me without registration. I've found a few sets of registration information online, but only one works. it accepts it, but when I go to mix the song down it wants me to re-enter the registration info. I do so, but nothing happens.