Calling all Opeth homos

For me its still the weaker parts of the album right now. :S
I think the growls have lower vol than ever before?

Sort of I guess...I just find they're much more powerful than before. The growls on Still Life were much more raw though, it seems like there's more production on them now (not to say that's bad) sounds almost exactly like the production on the vocals used on the latest Bloodbath EP.
I think Burden was the standout for me
I think we could agree on this. Also, glad we can agree on powermetal being the worst genre.

The reason I'm enjoying Watershed so much right now is that I like the progressive approach they are taking. Or I should say Mikael is taking. I thought Blackwater Park was a progressive album from them but Watershed takes that times ten.
This is surprisingly cool. Its not really that progressive or different from what they've done before but there seems to be a freshness and emotional directness that has mostly been lacking since Still Life (possibly even before). It helps that the riffs are pretty much all either kickass or slightly unusual (by Opeth's standards) and tend not to get flogged to death quite so much as on every album since MAYH.
after a first listen its their most creative album to date, and definitly the most solid but i still like GH better. there werent enough "holy shit" moments, the only thing that really did it for me was the weird drum part on porcelain heart. its just as progressive as theyve had before, but the random changes in tempo ruin it for me. also it doesnt have enough metal in it, their metalness is the reason i like them
GR was an OK album, but their worst imo. And Watershed definitely does have heavier parts...probably some of their heaviest moments ever are on this album actually.
Like the part when the vocals come in, in Heir Apparent and 5:45 onward in Hessian Peel is brutal.
I also thought the guitar and drum work on this album was some of their best. The guitar solos in Burden, Heir Apparent, and Hessian Peel namely, and the drumming was just awesome overall.
watershed sounds like its missing something. i love the album and the musicianship is the best ive heard from them, but it has little things that annoy me and im not a fan of folk or its influence. GH is a much more fluid album from start to finish and it has better riffs and not as much random shit

the vocals on watershed are amazing though
watershed sounds like its missing something. i love the album and the musicianship is the best ive heard from them, but it has little things that annoy me and im not a fan of folk or its influence. GH is a much more fluid album from start to finish and it has better riffs and not as much random shit

the vocals on watershed are amazing though

What pissed me off about GR was how simple it was compared to everything else they've done, and how useless the keys were in comparison to Watershed.
It has a few good tracks like Isolations Years, Hours Of Wealth and Baying Of the Hounds, but overall I was never as attracted to it as I was with the other albums.
It's still a good album in comparison to stuff other bands release, but it's not anything special either.
I actually thought GR was pretty good too. It was simple but evocative, and it had some awesome moments. Opeth are 9 for 9 as far as I'm concerned. The only output that's ever underwhelmed me was the live stuff- kinda lame setlist on Lamentations, and some of the banter on the Roundhouse Tapes was stupid. Other than that, :kickass:
1. Still Life
2a. MAYH
2b. Watershed <---not kidding
3. Morningrise
4. BWP
5. Deliverance
6. GR
7. Damnation
8. Orchid


Also, I posted this on the Opeth forum about GR:

The problem I have with the album is it's very unbalanced. One you get past the first three tracks, it just seems to drag ass and doesn't give me that sense of closure like most the other albums do. The soft songs are pretty decent tracks and all, but nothing extremely memorable, and definitely not something that I get a craving to listen to more than once or twice a year. Reverie/Harlequin Forest is one of their most overrated songs. The way Mike used his clean vocals over heavier parts is better displayed on their new songs (from what we've all heard at least). And let's not get into the atrocity that is The Grand Conjuration; easily Opeth's worst song.

Those are the biggest drawbacks to the album, and what really knocks it down in the rankings.
1. Still Life
2. BWP
4. Orchid
5. Morningrise
6. Deliverance
7. Damnation
8. Watershed
9. GR

Belligerent, TGC was the only good thing about that album