Camera policy

Saw them at the EG forum, nice shots. I'll show you next week the settings i'm using for most venues.

My last EG gig was in bright daylight, no problems with the light (or it must have been a little bit too much direct sunlight).



you made this one on the "zwarte cross festival" ?
if so, i was talking to you after the gig.
Ah, you're bringing a purse Kirsty? Awesome. Means we don't need backpacks or anything, you can just packmule for us! :D

Haha, I could deny it, but it happens every year anyway! Maybe this year I'll learn how to say the words, "Stuff it!" :p
HAHAHA! Remind me to dress nicely and do my hair and makeup before going to sleep, just in case we're invaded by Swedes with cameras again :p
:notworthy Gorgeous, beautiful, darn relaxing to see photos, noren! I'm jealous you still have flowers in bloom too!
maybe we should count people with long hair and compare 'em with us who has short?

But those who are bald(or half) where do we place em'?

no me no you

Nice pics, Mattias:)

NP : James Dean Bradfield - On Saturday Morning We Will Rule The World
I bet if we average the hair at PP everyone could have shoulder length hair :u-huh: Mine got mostly sliced off last winter, so it's just getting "longish" now!
Hi Guys,

Just to check in regards to cameras, I won a Panasonic Z7 and would like ot bring that one to take pictures. It is a "hybrid" model hence not a DSLR. Will it be allowed to bring this type in?

Thank you for checking.