cameras and post show?


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
Are cameras allowed in the venue? I don't mean a professional camera, just a simple palm sized point & shoot.

With the great lineup I'm not really sure I'll have time to eat much of anything after the bands start playing on either Friday or Saturday afternoon. This means I'll be pretty hungry after the show. Where do people go to eat after?
Are cameras allowed in the venue? I don't mean a professional camera, just a simple palm sized point & shoot.


With the great lineup I'm not really sure I'll have time to eat much of anything after the bands start playing on either Friday or Saturday afternoon. This means I'll be pretty hungry after the show. Where do people go to eat after?

Check all of the restaurants here - I've listed their hours. Off the top of my head, I know DaVinci's Pizzeria, R. Thomas' Deluxe Grille, Jimmy John's and Chinese Buddha are all open late.

I'll have my trusty camera with me again. I have over 2000 photo's from last year that I've almost filtered through, so I need another 2000 to keep me busy for the rest of 2014 lol. I've been working on a ProgPower scrapbook, but the work is slow since I'm a slacker, but I do plan on finishing it before I die
I actually had a related question so I figure this would be a good place to ask. I have a Kodak playsport ZX3, technically I guess it's main function is as an HD video camera but I really only use it for regular point-and-shoot pictures. I know the policy on videotaping has loosened (lifted?) in recent years, but I wanted to make sure I won't have any problems bringing that in? Because my mother has a plain old digital camera I can borrow instead if so, just a matter of packing one thing over the other.