Gold Badge/VIP: Exclusive show announcement

Gonna be honest, kind of upset about this. Seventh Wonder is half the reason I'm going 800 miles for this, it saddens me to know they'll be playing another set in Atlanta while I'm there and I can't go. Oh well.
Hell, I'd pay the same amount of money for the tickets for Friday/Saturday and choose to just see this extra show instead of all of Saturday. If there's any way I could arrange that, it'd be splendid, haha.
Freak'n SWEEET! Absolutely, totally psyched! Never saw anything like this coming! I will drag my lazy ass over there no matter how tired I am. That's what coffee's for.

Hey, Biffle, run my badge back to the Artmore after your tour. Us old folks need the extra sleep. Oh, and grab me a double espresso while you're at it. :lol::p:lol: