Can a Krank Rev sound like a 6505? (Clips Inside)

Which do you prefer?

  • Sample 1

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Sample 2

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I started out trying the "mic'ing the cab 6 inches away" tip (as in the Adam D Mic'ing tips thread) and didn't like the results, so I then decided to try and make the Krank sound like the 6505 using close mic'ing. Of course there are some character differences, but it's not SO far away, closer than you might think.

Diver 1 1 (HP-LP).mp3

Diver 2 2 (HP-LP).mp3

Both clips have just HP/LP, no other EQ.

Thanks again to Marcus for his Holy Diver DI's and Rob Logic for his awesome Drum and Bass tracks. :kickass:

Which do you prefer?
My guess is Diver 1 is the Krank, because it has more chunk/bark in the mids (around 700 Hz I'm thinking), whereas in comparison the second has a noticeable hole there just sounds kinda...blah IMO; fits fantastically in a mix but I feel like there's not much real character to the sound (bark/grind/crunch), it's too durn smooth (or "creamy", if you will :D) - some clips have crunched well though, maybe a settings thing, but anyway, both work great!

Maybe a touch too much at ~700 though, though I feel like I'd still prefer 1 with like a 1.5 dB notch around there, rather than boosting it in 2!
Number 1 sounds ever so slightly fizzier, just barely noticeable but it's what I'm hearing. I prefer the second.
I like these clips. I've always hated how Kranks sounded in person, even when someone with good chops plays through them but they seem to come across really well in a recorded mix when it's tweaked right. I've definitely stopped hating on Krank since coming to this forum and these clips only reinforce that they are capable beasts indeed.
Like other people have said both sounds very good. 1 is a bit more aggressive. If I had to pick one it would be nr 2 cause it sounds smoother, especially on the chords.
I like both of them equally tbh. I like how open and smooth 2 is but I really dig the ka-chunk of the 1st clip as well.
this is easily one of your best tones btw gh :)
Thanks for the replies . :kickass:

Diver 1 = Krank
Diver 2 = 6505

They sounded closer than I thought they would. I too like the open and smooth tone of the 6505 but also the bite of the Rev.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply and vote.