Can a Roland Cube be hooked up through a cabinet ?


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2004
if not , could a modification somehow be made so it could ? That'd be sweet , i have a Marshall MG100HDFX head and i'm disappointed in its sound , its all noisy and feedbacky and shit . I'm currently using my Digitech RP100 on the amps clean channel , it sounds much better . however , the cube has quite the sound for what it is , a little practice amp , and i imagine it'd sound kickass through a cabinet .
a 10watt cube will crank you 10watts of power through a cab.

you'd need to buy a 100 watt poweramp and out the headphone/speaker out, from the cube into the pwoeramp, then the P/A into the Cab
i'm talking about the 30 watt ones . and they're loud enough with the single speaker they have in them , i'm sure they'd be plenty loud through 2 15" speakers . I've read several places that to double the volume , you need ten times the watts , so i'd need a 300 watt head to really make a difference . haha , maybe those places were full of shit or something though .

i would do this to tide me over until I could afford a great head (a Peavey Triple XXX is what i have in mind) . I could sell the marshall and probably get about 500 (canadian) for it , buy a cube for about 150 ......then i'd have 350 dollars towards a triple xxx . not to mention i have another guitar and amp i could sell .

i highly doubt i'd end up doing this anyways , but it'd be something to keep in mind , i guess .