can anyone actually play bodom????

can you play bodom on your instrument?

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Originally Posted by fridaY13th
When im warmed up, i can probably nail the follow the reaper solo, mainly because its quite linear, also the SNBN.

Heres a short clip of th downfall ssolo, slowed down a bit

here is one of my own solos:

songs with a friend:

In conclusion i have no Bodom recordings to back up by statements, but i dont really care, maybe one day, when there is a good Follow the reaper backing track, and i haev a wah peddle i might record it.

Actually i might recording the SNBN solo soon

more music

GREAT playing.
How long do you play and how much do you practice per day? Do you use GP4 or some others programs?

sorry for bad english :grin:
thanks a lot. its funny to play, what you like to listen really..
now im looking to suicide by my side solo. its really hard middle and end of the solo :)
and some Bodom playing but no time to record..