Can anyone tell me why????!!!


Multis Periculis Supersum
Aug 31, 2001
α Piscium
it is so hard for some people to tell the fucking TRUTH???
It looks like these past few years were only based on lies, lies, lies lies and again...lies!!
I'm about to explode and kill some people, goddamnit!! :mad:
WORST of all: i've been a complete moron and stupid little dutch girl! Ah well, learned a lot in two weeks, what has happend these last 7 years.
Sis, i'll catch up with you tomorrow, i've got a LOT to tell. -x-
I'll be back tomorrow peeps, till then: Adios! and see you later..
I've got some lawyers to catch...BAH BAH BAH!!! and again BAAAAHHH!!! Man, i hate this, i really do!
:bah: :bah: :bah:

xxx Iris xxx

Hey chromo!! How's it going?
I'll tell ya tomorrow, i'm here in the library, in the boss' time..and i can't stay away from the store for too long!
Good to see ya, hopefully i'll be able to enter the pit tomorrow, i missed that room and the chats we had there!!


Nevermorian has a great signature at the moment:
"Sometimes the answer just comes."

unfortunately, it doesn't... always. :err:

I thought long ago that you're through with that 7 years long cr**, sorry to say, that's what I understood from your posts. I mean, I told you that you can't consider yourself being treated nice while being lied to at the same time. I broke up the 7 years long chain just cause it wasn't satisfactory for my criteria, and I was treated like a queen, literally.

pay attn to Chromatose's signature as well...

indeed, back to the good ol' days

its goin' ok here, albeit living in a world under snow

I've decided, Im so sick of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. I need to get out of here, where it doesnt snow EVER! its this weather that makes me more and more interested in my thoughts of going to seattle.
not as much, at least thats what they tell me, where I would go... or I think my friends are lying to convince me to go. ha ha ha
OK, to play the last note here.... I don't fit into the pic of genitals tickling process that was initiated here.


touché ...

but liking what is seen or not, it is the truth they show

"You can conquer your fears/look at me"

'And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare'
I prefer to stare at the stare, and then give comments on that. some prefer to talk about the stare without giving themselves the chance to stare at it, having their eyes down, or closed. nevermind, this might lead me into some unwanted direction... :zzz:

you're brains, Chrome! :wave:
you have quite a brain yourself, tee. :D
Mirrors fascinate me, though its not narcissism with my habit of staring into them, just seeking truths, from a different perspective, yet still my own.

this was fun, but I think its good to stop. I'm trying hard not to get too deep into it at the moment, ha ha.. or I'll end up wasting away my work day. :)

edit::: wtf? spelling mistakes ...
Slayer's At Dawn They Sleep is REALLY about lawyers...
"Blood sucking creatures of the night
Nocturnal spectre hiding from the light
Cries screaming after every fright
Eagerly awaiting plight"