Can I get advice for my band?

Reason-Great with the vox (10,000 times better than the version i attempted), maybe bring the guitars up a tad
Ambrosia-nice breather
Tyranny-interesting vocal approach with the harsh voice being the primary, and melodic vocals in the background. probably my fave
BGWTB-nicely done cover (especially Dan's vocals), timing may be off though
Twilight Umbrage-i think this was the first i've heard from this project (Dan played it for me at work), after hearing it i told him "it kinda reminds me of Wolfheart-era Moonspell w/o vox." Great song.
Reason - Solo could be executed a bit better - I heard a few dead notes. I feel the distorted rythym guitar could be a little more prominent and the overall track could be mixed a bit better.

Ambrosia. It's good. A nice breather as mentioned above. I like the leads. Reminded of Holocaust of Thought for some reason. Don't asked why.

Tyranny - My favorite as well. Likin' the vocals. Not a big fan of the way the solos start of with the one-string hammer on's and pulloffs though. I think rewriting the solos would benefit this track greatly.

AIC cover - Top notch.

Twilight - Good track. Solo needs work and obviously will need re-recorded for better quality.

Overall, I think the solos could be a bit more interesting instead of doing the fast one-string stuff. The slow leads and the bendies are good and the choosing of the notes are is excellent when you're takin' it slow. Nice work John.
Thanks for the feedback! I still have the mixdown of Reason but not the guitar files. Is there anyway to make them louder?

Twilight Does need to be rerecording. Maybe I'll try vocals on it. Would anyone relpicate drums for Twilight? You can sing or play bass on it, if you want.

At high volumes did any song clip?
The two that really stood out for me were the AIC cover and Reason.

On Reason, I would maybe cut down on the tremolo picking-heavy solo towards the beginning. For me it just takes away from the beauty of the acoustic and flute intro. If you wanna do it, put a heavy riff in its place and try playing the solo on top of it but an octave lower. For me, however, it's just distracting and it unnecessarily takes the song in a direction it shouldn't go, mainly because you go right back to the original riff right after it. It almost sounds like you spliced a solo in there from another song and just randomly put it somewhere. If you're going to keep it, try using the neck pickup on would be much warmer and more fluid sounding and would cut down on pick noise. Just my opinion, though. It has the makings of a really cool song, but I think that intro solo needs to be reworked without so many hammer-ons and pulloffs...put some more melody in it. Dig the vox. Great job, Myke.

On BGWTB, the lead guitar again I think needs to use the neck pickup...the solo's much too cold. If you're already using the neck pickup, dial down the highs, give it some more mids, and boost the lows a bit...lower the presence a bit too. It's also out of sync with the acoustic guitar. The bends need to start on the strum, not before or after it. Also the bending needs to be a bit more precise. As far as the vox, although they were in tune, I was sadly completely unimpressed. It's flat and droning as well as out of time with the music. I understand Dan was trying to kinda put his own flavor into it, but it's not working. I think it needs to be more in line with the original, not in order to copy it but because it's sung in that cadence for a reason. I think the words need to be enunciated a bit more strongly (not harshly) and with much more inflection because they're kinda soulless like they are now. They also need some reverb and a bit of delay.
Thank YOU for sharing it with us and being so open about it!

BTW, with how many fingers do you bend? Try bending with three fingers in order to get maximum control out of each bend. Sometimes you can get away with two fingers, though. Some people try bending with just one finger but it's a waste of energy and not nearly as accurate.

Also make sure you're bending UP on the lower four strings, not down.
Listening to Reason right now... Reminds me a LOT of Into Eternity... The singing, I mean... Like a LOT, haha... (Not the music, obviously...) No clipping for me... And I agree with Dead Winter... The tremolo solo in the beginning was a bit off-putting for me... In concurrence with what he said, it definitely took away from the atmospheric/beautiful introduction... Really dig the intro, and the music for most of the song is pretty solid...

Also, some of the harmonization at the end (that a capella vocal part) sounded a bit off... I may just be hearing it incorrectly, though... I'll listen to some others after I unwind from work, and let you know how I feel...