Can I start a thread about Gamma Ray's Majestic?

JayKeeley said:
Ralph Scheepers MUST DIE!!!

Oh god, Primal "My lips are permanently attached to Halford's dick" Fear. That's reason enough to despise those albums. Ok, here's the part where I admit I actually used to like Gamma Ray, or at least realize that the first two albums without the fucker are as good as power metal gets (save BG and Angra of course).
Gamma Ray was the original name of Queens of the Stone Age... I may be wrong, but it might have been copyright infringement (relating to THIS Gamma Ray? who knows) or maybe Homme just put the fucking bong down long enough to realize what he had named his project!
Demonspell said:
Oh god, Primal "My lips are permanently attached to Halford's dick" Fear. That's reason enough to despise those albums. Ok, here's the part where I admit I actually used to like Gamma Ray, or at least realize that the first two albums without the fucker are as good as power metal gets (save BG and Angra of course).
I assume (hope that) you mean their first and third album, because the second one "Sigh No More" is absolute mediocrity.
I listened to all the little Amazon clips and "My Temple", "Condemned to Hell" and "Majesty" all have some good stuff in 'em. Shredding guitar work and the vocals weren't bad in most parts, though it seemed like they were going to drift into the whole keyboardy power metal ballad type stuff at times, which doesn't really thrill me. Not something I'd buy, but it's cool to know that there are probably some good bits and pieces of music there.

Then I listened to some Hammerfall clips. Some of that stuff was so awesomely gay, it was cool.:tickled: I should get something of theirs just to have a completely senseless, happy album to listen to for these apt times. They're sound is like a 70s mainstream rock band, like Journey. Win.:loco:
Opeth17 said:
I listened to all the little Amazon clips and "My Temple", "Condemned to Hell" and "Majesty" all have some good stuff in 'em. Shredding guitar work and the vocals weren't bad in most parts, though it seemed like they were going to drift into the whole keyboardy power metal ballad type stuff at times, which doesn't really thrill me. Not something I'd buy, but it's cool to know that there are probably some good bits and pieces of music

you didn't read any of the thread, did you?
Well, I came to that conclusion from listening to the music, not reading words, but those 30 second clips aren't very reliable. On a couple songs, it just sounded like they were going to really go into that phase for awhile, but I have no idea. Still, not noteworthy enough to warrant a purchase from what I can tell, though it was pretty decent at times.
Gamma Ray freakin rules! one of the best power metal bands in the world. and who was talking about gay vocals? Kai sure doesnt sound like he was up all night sucking dick and has...lets just say build up of gunk in his voice box making him sound all growly. some singers out there really need to clear their throats before attempting to sing.
I think majestic may be the best one yet, and I think the reason is simple, the last few years has been spent doing a live album and the redone classics album, allowing the band a good amount of time to come up with riffs and lyrics. way too soon to name it classic tho. If people don't realize Kai is every bit as much a living legend as mustaine, then they need to stop drinking the kool aid.