Can it be true? The following days will tell...


Dec 18, 2004

As some here know, I have never been to ProgPower. I have known of it since the second year and wanted to go but it was but a dream and has been every year since. Although I live only 5.5 hrs away, life has kept me from being able to attend even though I have longed for the day that I would make it. I have even purchased tickets in the past only to have to sell them when life got in the way again.

Fast forward to 07......................

1. I have ticket
2. I have transportation
3. I have sufficient funds for gas,food,hotel,parking,cd's,shirts,etc. without dipping into my daily household/living expenses.
4. I have Friday off

It looks like this may actually happen. I am days away from my very first ProgPower and I can't believe it. I have been having a bit of a time getting up for this and I guess because it has been such a long time coming with years of setbacks and disappointments and I have had the ProgPower rug jerked out from beneath my feet before.

With only days to go, I am starting to get pumped! I had a little warm up in TX with the Krucible show and I am ready. So, unless there is an act of god or something........................ProgPower here I come!

Did I really need to start a whole thread for this? Not Really, but if you understand how passionate I have been about this festival and it has been that unattainable thing in your life and now you can taste it......well......I just wanted to let everyone know how stoked I am and above all else to thank Glen for doing it at least this long. Hopefully it will go on forever but at least I can say I went to one!

I am looking forward to meeting some veterans and noobies alike.

Looking forward to meeting you FF! - and that goes for ALL the new peeps! :headbang:

everyone have a safe trip to Atlanta this week. Look for the chubby bearded guy in the tan kilt on Friday night and say 'hi'. :cool:
Thanks for all the well wishes and I hope to see you all there. I am now wishing I would have planned on coming thursday for the showcase. We talked about it and opted not to. Oh well, hopefully this year will be the begining of my annual pilgrimage to PP and I can start including the showcase then.
That sucks that you won't be there for the showcase, FatesFan, but at least you got to see Krucible a couple weeks ago. I'll look for ya in the crowds, but if you see me first definitely say Hi. That pretty much is a good rule to follow regardless - just say Hi to everybody! :)
I know the feeling. I'v wanted to go so badly the last few years.
But it never failed each time I had a chance at tickets I had no money or didn't know what direction I was going with my medical issues.

I so badly want to attend. maybe next year..
I certainly hope to run into you man. Last year was my first year, and I almost had to miss out due to last minute health issues, so I kinda know howq it feels in reguards to that rug being swept.