can some guitarists advise me please ?

K of London

Midnight Fallen
Dec 21, 2001
I just replaced my old set up which was a marshall jmp1 midi pre amp and mesa boogie power amp to get something more simple

so i got a mesa boogie triple rectifier head :D

anyway, the problem is cabs. I dont have one at the moment, and i'm wondering whether its worth getting a matching mesa cab, or a marshall 1960 cab, mesa cabs being twice the price

so does anybody know whether its worth the extra £600 or not ?
i also have a worry that the mesa cab will make the thing play louder, which isn't really what i need, as it has 150 watts of tube power and i want to use it in the house.

as well as this, i think i'm going to need a noise gate, becuase i have emg pickups on my ibanez, and i guess the high output amps and pickups will result in a lot of feedback, does anybody know which ones are best at their job and retaining the original tone.I'm not sure whether to go for a boss pedal, or a rocktron 19" unit ...

I am an owner of one of the first 500 dual rectifiers...*ala George Lynch* and I couldnt be happier....but remember! Using the effects loop is the getting a good tone, at least from me and i will explain more..i have a matching recto cab...the big huge one with vintage 30's...the marhsalls have the same attack and sound, but lack the bottom end the mesa's just go with a mesa..rock solid cab that will slay a marshall in no time flat...
Neverwinter said:
*cough* insider hint.. ENGL
Especially ENGL powerball

Best amp on the market, EVER.

but at a price ta of $2000 i said, "I'm GOing to the movies"
Argh, I like the Marshall 1960 cabs way better than anything else. I find the Mesa too heavy on bottom end. But it's up to you and what sound you are looking for. Then again I don't really like Mesa Rectifiers, I'd pick a Laney VH100R or an ENGL Powerball over Mesas anyday. Not to say Mesa aren't good amps, it's just my preference.
IM so proud of my setup, all i need now is the Poser amp and cabinets, but i might get cabs for my berfday. *cough* june 11 *cough* donations can be mailed to . . .*cough* *cough*

Im so fuckin excited.

I want to get it now, but i need to save for a few months so that i dont throw alllll my money away.

hey should i seriously try to start a fundraiser for my amp. go to the Seriously off topic form and start a thead to help me buy it, send a dollar here, 2 dollars there. whadaya think folks?