Can someone help with a suggestion or two?


New Metal Member
Nov 12, 2012
Lyrical content is very important to me. I am looking for certain types of Thrash bands. I am not looking for Christian Thrash or ANTI-CHRISTIAN Thrash. I am very much looking for Political and/or ANTI-NEW WORLD ORDER stuff. Megadeath comes to mind and are one of my favorites. When it comes to the political, I am not interested in the far left/communist/socialist/liberal kind of stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You! :rock:
Can't even spell Megadeth and seriously... Dave Mustaine is one of the biggest political cocksuckers on the planet, I would probably physically fight anyone that told me they enjoyed his political views. Then I'd make them eat a turd.
You'd think someone who was a huge fan of a band would know how to spell their name correctly...but I guess Megadeth fans aren't known for their literacy.
I've never understood why anyone would want to listen to the political opinion of some jackass in a metal and/or grind band. (since OP says lyrical content is important to him)

We're in a band. and.. we dont like the government. New and exciting! Fuck you.
I've never understood why anyone would want to listen to the political opinion of some jackass in a metal and/or grind band. (since OP says lyrical content is important to him)

We're in a band. and.. we dont like the government. New and exciting! Fuck you.

Pig Destroyer would like to argue with your assertion that lyrical content in a grind band is unimportant.

And besides, lyrical content can really alter one's perception of music. I don't see why caring about lyrical content of grind is any different than caring about lyrical content of anything else.

I mean, we're not talking slam or goregrind "let's just open the medical dictionary and rattle off names of gory diseases" here.

EDIT: Nevermind I just noticed he said he likes Megadeth for political reasons and doesn't want "liberal/communist" thrash. Dude can fuck right off and eat a lump of shit molded and frozen to look like a dick.