Can we have a serious discussion about female masturbation?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
One ex-girlfriend called me over after we had broken up, for a little I-haven't-found-a-new-dude-yet-so-give-it-to-me-you-asshole. Afterwards she showed me this giant purple spinning thing that was quite loud, and referred to it by stating: "This is your replacement."

Another girl said "this is what I do" and showed me a serious of dual-hand gestures with like this floating pinkie technique that worked quite well for her. I could never two-hand tap the bass but I sure did try and emulate that maneuver.

A third woman never got into explicit detail, but did say "you know those extendable shower head things? MY BEST FRIEND IN HIGH SCHOOL." I think they later married and spawned several little bathroom fixtures...

I have a friend who says she never gets louder than when she's alone, although the one time she brought it up I was too drunk to take notes and discover what product in particular she used, if any. I think it was one of those rabbit-head things.

That's likely the full extent of my knowledge, although I am a little sleepy this morning so there might be some other nuggets buried in there.
I honestly never felt that they were eagerly inclined to diddle themselves. They just wait around for the cock, hence why they're always in such a bitchy mood.
Too busy for that kind of alone time anymore. When I'm home, he's home, so I masturbate with his dong :tickled:

But I really don't get why all these strange toys are needed for a job that one or two fingers on one hand can do.
Many years ago this one broad whipped out a lime green phallus and stated "I want you to watch me" then went to town on herself. Midway through the event she stopped and stated "I want you to use this on me before you fuck me". I ambled on over and layed beside her, quickly took possession of said phallus and went to town.

This bint went crazy and I kept thinking "holy hell this is some dildo!", anywho, fast forward a few moments and I'm about to enter her when she says "Oh just leave it in"

At which point I'm thinking this chick must have a huge vagina until I realized I was shoving that thing up her ass.
Too busy for that kind of alone time anymore. When I'm home, he's home, so I masturbate with his dong :tickled:
That's the spirit! :kickass:

Many years ago this one broad whipped out a lime green phallus and stated "I want you to watch me" then went to town on herself. Midway through the event she stopped and stated "I want you to use this on me before you fuck me". I ambled on over and layed beside her, quickly took possession of said phallus and went to town.

This bint went crazy and I kept thinking "holy hell this is some dildo!", anywho, fast forward a few moments and I'm about to enter her when she says "Oh just leave it in"

At which point I'm thinking this chick must have a huge vagina until I realized I was shoving that thing up her ass.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I keep reading Mike's tale. It's honestly keeping me alive right now, much like clean air and potable water.