That is a shame.
In my opinion, whoever promoted this tour needed to hook up Candlemass with another co-headliner. C-Mass hasn't been here in a very long time. I am sure there are many old school fans who had no clue this tour was even taking place. Let's say for example C-Mass co-headlined with a band like TROUBLE or CATHEDRAL, it may have helped bring in some extra folks who were on the fence about going, and would have given the tour more exposure.
I think we're biased because we like these bands, and for us, a Cathedral, Trouble, and Candlemass tour would be awesome, but seriously, it wouldn't do THAT much better then the current tour. Like I said, in the US, this style of music is a niche, that not even a niche all the metal heads like. it's just not popular enough, and no matter how much us fans THINK these shows should draw huge, the sad reality is, the don't. There's not enough of a fan base for it for a full tour. A show like this might be better if you create one incredible festival containing all these bands. People might travel for it. Collectively, there's a good crowd in the US for it, but spread out across the country? Nope. It's just not there.
So as a result, you get disappointed fans who go to the show and see a lame turnout, and you get disappointed bands, who play for small crowds, and get turned off to touring here again. It's an argument we've had with people for years, when we turn down tours that are offered to us.
Personally, I don't have to get bit by a dog to know it's going to hurt. And to me, going out on the road with a package I know won't draw, even if I think the bands are all AMAZING, and I'm a huge fan of, just to be miserable at the turn out night after night, doesn't make sense.
When we tour the US (and we WILL tour this January) it is with a band you wouldn't necessarily think we would tour with. In my opinion though the possibilities of a stronger draw is greater, with the bands are different from one another, and all the bands get a chance to expose their music to different crowds and gain new fans. That to me is the point of touring.