

24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
...over the last year or so, these guys have become one of my favorite bands. To be honest with you, they probably just fall under Savatage a bit! I tossed in Nightfall yesterday and was just re-blown away upon hearing it. If you're not familiar or maybe just a little familiar with the band, then do yourself a favor and get aquainted. :kickass:


Totally agree. Stellar band all around. One of my favorite concert memories of all time was seeing Messiah falling through the stage in Stockholm back in the eighties... :lol:

What do you think of Edling's solo effort? Didn't quite like it at first, but it is a grower.
Totally agree. Stellar band all around. One of my favorite concert memories of all time was seeing Messiah falling through the stage in Stockholm back in the eighties... :lol:

What in the world happened? :lol:

What do you think of Edling's solo effort? Didn't quite like it at first, but it is a grower.

Honestly, I haven't heard it yet. I've been meaning to give it a listen though.

Thanks for the recommendation!!!
These guys sound great!
I should get around to picking up some of their CDs very soon!!!!

Can't believe I have never heard these guys!!!!
Thanks for the recommendation!!!
These guys sound great!
I should get around to picking up some of their CDs very soon!!!!

Can't believe I have never heard these guys!!!!

Nice sarcasm Jason.

As far as Edling's solo effort. I like it, but don't expect Candlemass 2.0 as the vocals are very rough and the production quality is pretty low as well.
I was a bit late to the party on these guys ... got into them while preparing for BWBK #1. My favorites from them are the last three .. the S/T with Messiah, and the two discs with Robert Lowe. I prefer mid paced doom, to the slow paced stuff.

Thanks for the recommendation!!!
These guys sound great!
I should get around to picking up some of their CDs very soon!!!!

Can't believe I have never heard these guys!!!!

Jason, I promise you there are a few floaters around here that have never given these guys a fair listen.

By the way, you need to give a band called, Manilla Road, a listen. You might like them. :lol:

Candlemass, awesome.
Savatage, awesome.
All the classic Candlemass albums rule, and their newer few with Rob on vox are also really good, in particular last year's, which was one of my year-favorites. I mini-travelled to NYC to see them on their last US tour, so worth it.
Ha! No....good thread indeed.
I am just being a smart ass.

Britt is dead on about C-Mass though.
There are a LOT of people who would be fans who write them off simply because of the doom tag. Messiah's vocals are almost power metal-like.

This is not a drone doom band by any means.
Ha! No....good thread indeed.
I am just being a smart ass.

Britt is dead on about C-Mass though.
There are a LOT of people who would be fans who write them off simply because of the doom tag. Messiah's vocals are almost power metal-like.

This is not a drone doom band by any means.

While they are doom, they have a lot more medium- faster tempos than most, but that's typically the case in classic doom. When people hear the label of doom metal I think most of them tend to think of the likes of My Dying Bride where it's very slow and melencholy. I love MDB by the way but I totally get people that wouldn't like them or bands similar to them.
Yeah, there is a major different between traditional doom and more of the European death / doom. Just like with any genre, there are MANY sub genres of doom.
There was a guy sitting next to FatesFan and I at last year's fest. During our conversation he mentioned how much he was loving the new Heaven & Hell release. I asked him if he'd ever listened to Candlemass before. He said that he never heard of them. I proceeded to tell him to go to the vendor area asap to buy Death Magic Doom.

So, there's an example of a guy that's listened to metal for 20+ years, but had never heard of the mighty Candlemass.

There was a guy sitting next to FatesFan and I at last year's fest. During our conversation he mentioned how much he was loving the new Heaven & Hell release. I asked him if he'd ever listened to Candlemass before. He said that he never heard of them. I proceeded to tell him to go to the vendor area asap to buy Death Magic Doom.

So, there's an example of a guy that's listened to metal for 20+ years, but had never heard of the mighty Candlemass.


Yeah, personally in my opinion anyone who likes Black Sabbath should like Candlemass.
There was a guy sitting next to FatesFan and I at last year's fest. During our conversation he mentioned how much he was loving the new Heaven & Hell release. I asked him if he'd ever listened to Candlemass before. He said that he never heard of them. I proceeded to tell him to go to the vendor area asap to buy Death Magic Doom.

So, there's an example of a guy that's listened to metal for 20+ years, but had never heard of the mighty Candlemass.


Yeah, personally in my opinion anyone who likes Black Sabbath should like Candlemass.

This seems to be the most overlooked Candlemass album, but I really don't understand why. No Messiah involved, I'm well aware, but the material seems solid to me. I particularly like the song, "Aftermath". Any fans of this album?

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I never heard Chapter VI or Dactylis Glomerata,or whatever it is called.

I do have FROM THE 13Th Sun, and do like it a bit.

It just isn't classic CANDLEMASS though still, ya know?
I think what they are doing with Rob now is more in line with the classic Candlemass sound.
I never heard Chapter VI or Dactylis Glomerata,or whatever it is called.

I do have FROM THE 13Th Sun, and do like it a bit.

It just isn't classic CANDLEMASS though still, ya know?
I think what they are doing with Rob now is more in line with the classic Candlemass sound.

I haven't heard any of the albums to be honest between when Messiah left and when Messiah came back, though I have listened to the two new ones. I think those definitely have a classic vibe or at least King of Grey Islands does. I just haven't been able to get into Death Magic Doom.

I actually prefer Rob more than Messiah. That may sound like blasphemy but I find Rob has a more clear and a stronger voice to boot. Messiah's vocals sound a bit goofy to me sometimes.