Epic Joey Cleans

Jesus man, grow some thicker fucking skin.
This is the motherfucking sneap forum. We all rat on Sturgis produced bands because they mostly fucking suck. Even Sturgis himself wants to move on and record bands of a higher level of quality IIRC.

How about YOU gtfo the thread and stop taking yourself so damn seriously haha.

Jeff nailed it, I don't really have anything to add aside from that.
Also, welcome to sneap forum. ;)

Easy there, dude. :lol:
because my whole second post was horrible and immature and a reason why the forums are going to shit, you should probably re-read that, as I explained my sarcasm

I don't get this.. there has been some talk about this forum going down the drain but I haven't really noticed anything. Maybe I don't hang around as often as I used to, but you guys make it sound like we're all a bunch of World of Warcraft playing geeks who are afraid their fucking epic guild is going down, so they start conspiring together. (O_o)