I can't understand how, why and what it's hapenning! Tried alot of things and coudnt figure out the cause of this
it's weird
I triggered a snare track 100% with drumagog and used a gog file.
Sometimes i get a double trigger hit in a snare hit but the weird thing is that doesnt happen 2-3 times in a row at that SAME EXACT point (sometimes yes, but it also happens to occurs in others points that didnt had happened before in the same audiction session)
sometimes even if i dont detect these double trigger hits when listening to the mix in cubase i get that thing on the exported mp3 file ... then when i go back to cubase to check that exact point where the "false trigger" happened, the problem doesnt occurs, and like i said before, sometimes it occurs but sometimes dont
when i set drumagog to visual i only see one snare hit been triggered but there are, the 2 white dots over the top of that hit, causing "that double trigger hits thing", i really can't understand what's happening
i dont know if i could explained right if dont let me know and i will try to do my best! I wrote and re-wrote this text 9 times,
I can't understand how, why and what it's hapenning! Tried alot of things and coudnt figure out the cause of this
it's weird
I triggered a snare track 100% with drumagog and used a gog file.
Sometimes i get a double trigger hit in a snare hit but the weird thing is that doesnt happen 2-3 times in a row at that SAME EXACT point (sometimes yes, but it also happens to occurs in others points that didnt had happened before in the same audiction session)
sometimes even if i dont detect these double trigger hits when listening to the mix in cubase i get that thing on the exported mp3 file ... then when i go back to cubase to check that exact point where the "false trigger" happened, the problem doesnt occurs, and like i said before, sometimes it occurs but sometimes dont
when i set drumagog to visual i only see one snare hit been triggered but there are, the 2 white dots over the top of that hit, causing "that double trigger hits thing", i really can't understand what's happening
i dont know if i could explained right if dont let me know and i will try to do my best! I wrote and re-wrote this text 9 times,