Can't get those toms right...


Oct 5, 2003
I'd tried several drummers and kits, but never could get those toms slamming right... tried the Andy EQ tips, but can't seem to really get there....I know tuning is the key but still....

I use E604's.

How do you guyes do it....any extreme to you compress? Each tom for it self, all in a subgroup or togeher with the rest of the kit...anyone using more then one mic pr. tom?
the best tom sound I've ever had was a fairly standard pearl kit (but with brand new skins tuned well) then miked with 421's.

I really like the waves rcomp for toms, I just try and bring out more of the attack with the compression(and add some snap/punch as well obviosly)

Somtimes I find cutting to much low-end can go against you, The one thing I pretty much always do though is scoop a bit of midrange, it just makes them sound punchier to my ears- try around -2db to -5db at around 500hz. If they need a bit more attack try about +3db at 10hz. And if the need to be more thunderous try about +3db at 90hz (or wherever your kick drum and bass are not focused, which for me is usually around 90hz)

good luck

I've had good luck with 421s on the toms with Neve pres.

To expand on what James said above... for the higher toms, cut a little higher, and the lower toms cut a little lower, smae thing with the boost to get the attack sound. I also boost lower than James does, which I think brings out the stick-on-skin sound a bit more. I've found that if each tom is EQ'd slightly differently they maintain a bit more clarity. For the 10" tom you may cut @ 650hz, and boost 3khz, and for the 16" floor tom, cut at 250hz and boost at 2.5khz.

Of course, make sure not to boost so much that you overpower something else in the mix. The other thing to be careful with... if you don't gate the toms, EQing the toms differently can cause imaging problems.
Ever seen those guyes who put an aditional mic towards the bottom of the tom too, what's up with that?
Which preamps are you using? I used to use Behringer ADA8000's preamps with not-so-good results. At the moment I'm using Soundtracs mixer preamps and there's a huge difference! I have Sennheiser BF504 mics (older version of E604).
Daunt said:
Which preamps are you using? I used to use Behringer ADA8000's preamps with not-so-good results. At the moment I'm using Soundtracs mixer preamps and there's a huge difference! I have Sennheiser BF504 mics (older version of E604).

I've been using some RME and FF Platinum, but i'm getting another 3124+ soon, so i'll be able to run API on all toms...hope it will help some...

I also, tried putting an aditional mic on the bottom head....I ended up doing a lowpass up to 200hz on this, is this common?