Caparison Applehorn + Dimebucker question


Aug 31, 2006
I got a Caparison 27-fret applehorn from Mark Palangio a few months fucking kicks ass. So many features that I've wanted in a guitar and this one finally has them. I didn't want to use the standard Caparison pickup (even though it was a really nice sounding pickup) just because I'm used to crazy high output pickups (like my Ibanez's FOUR-coil humbuckers). The Dimebucker definitely has alot of characteristics of dimebag's tone, anbd its definitely higher output than the Caparison, but its also the point where it sounds almost more like that scooped single-coil sound when I play through an amp (I have a Peavey JSX). I know Dimebag used an EQ in front of the amp as a boost, but I've never like the way that sounds on tube amps (its also noisy as fuck), so I'm not sure thats an option for me. I also use a Tubescreamer in front of the amp, and while that helps a little, it doesn't round out the tone enough...I was thinking of getting one of these monsters (, has anyone every tried one of these? Does anyone have any other suggestions?
I LOVE EMG's (especially in cheap, shitty guitars)...but this is such a nice guitar, I would much rather find a solution that lets the wood of the guitar be a big part of the tone, and I usually find that hard to do with active pickups. Plus, the electronics chamber in this thing is really really small (it only has one push-pull knob, no switches even), and I feel like it would be a little too cramped if not impossible. Plus, everyone and their mom uses EMG's, and it would be nice to find a unique solution instead of the one everyone is using.

Again, I have nothing against EMG's, but I would rather not put those in this guitar.
My Jacksons and ESP's have EMG 81's in but I have a couple of Washburns with Bill Lawrence L500 or XL500's in (the basis of the Dimebucker sound) and they're my fave passive pickups. Admittedly the Lawrences can sound bloody awful with some setups but get the right balance on the EQ and gain and I think they're unbeatable.

However... I did once have an ESP M2 with a Seymour Duncan Screamin' Demon (which I really regret selling) and that was great. It has output and fullness like an EMG 81 without the "fizzy" overtones, but really lets the tone of the guitar shine through like the Bill Lawrence, again without the honkiness and harshness.

Dimarzio Evolutions aren't a million miles away either.

As for the fancy TS...I just got a Keeley TS808 Mod Plus to add to the tubescreamer collection and it is the most pointless, expensive pedal investment. The sound difference between that, the stock TS9, DX, TS7 and TS5 is neglible....and that's before you've covered the sound with vocals etc. I reckon that would be more of the same. Save your cash.
I'd happily put EMG's in a PRS Modern Eagle, they only sound better with a high quality guitar.

For you, however, I think you might just need to try a new amp. Every guitar has it's perfect amp, maybe this combination just isn't right?
I'm thinking that because that pickup is as scooped as it is, the TS is giving you hell because it's trying to bring out the mids that your pickup has so ruthlessly raped, slaughtered, raped a second time, disemboweled, and raped a third time. Its purpose is to get rid of fizzy high end to reduce harshness and cut bass to allow more control over the distortion, apart from the gain structure, of course (but if you're having gain problems with a Dimebucker, a TS, and a JSX, in any case...), so the whole thing is winding up a bit silly. I'd just invest in a solid multi-band EQ (don't overgain at that stage, just shape) and then put the TS in the effects loop (if that effects loop is at a level usable by that pedal, I don't know the JSX circuits... in any case what you're trying to do is get rid of fizzy highs and boomy lows after the preamp but before the power amp in that situation) if you don't want to get rid of the humbucker entirely.

I would just not use that humbucker in that guitar and get an EMG 85 for the bridge - that won't sterilize your guitar, it'll let the wood and construction sing and scream all you want. Considering the acoustic properties of that axe, you're having so much colorization from the Dimebucker that you might be imagining its sharpness and 'scooped-single-coil' as part of its tone, which is bad... so if the wood is what you're trying to hear, I can definitely see the case for EMG 85 if the JB (which would be my first pick) doesn't suit you.

On a related side note, two years to the day...

the dimebucker ist one of the best pups for dark-midrangey mahogany guitars!
I'd even say it's the pup to put in a mahogany axe!
it sux major ass with alder bodied guitars though!
with alder and sh13 you won't get a full-bodied round tone, i took all the dimebuckers out of my guitars (2 years ago i equipped them all with dimebuckers, coz i loved the sound with my mahogany guitars) and put the emg back in.
although it's a great pup you won't get a great result with an alder guitar.
isn't the caparison alder?
The funny modes on the TS9DX completely defeat the purpose of using the TS anyway (if you're aiming for fuzz kill and fart reduction). Flipping the pickup by 180 degrees might help; you might also consider putting in a toggle switch to go between series and parallel for that pickup (parallel might be more manageable for you).

The funny modes on the TS9DX completely defeat the purpose of using the TS anyway (if you're aiming for fuzz kill and fart reduction). Flipping the pickup by 180 degrees might help; you might also consider putting in a toggle switch to go between series and parallel for that pickup (parallel might be more manageable for you).


slight hijack

I have a ts9dx and never turn it past the ts9 setting, have you a/bd them? is it not the same?
If I'm not mistaken the modes on that thing add more bass and have less clipping-circuit capacitance (meaning fizz rolloff). Correct me if I'm wrong on that; if what I believe to be the case is correct, you've defeated the purpose by adding in bass.

Here's the quote I see on MF:

"...also offers 3 new settings for increased low end crunch: +, Hot, and Turbo."

Increasing low end crunch requires either increasing the low end that is being crunchy (meaning adding lower end) or increasing the crunch already present in the lower end (meaning adding more crunch, which in this case means rolling off a lower amount of rough top) if not both. That's why I'm assuming what I am.

I dont have one to a/b it against, it works when I need it I guess. It still isn't "bassy" by any means but may very well be bassier than a ts9

the modes are as follows


my assumption was that the ts9 mode was the same as a ts9

I dunno
The funny modes on the TS9DX completely defeat the purpose of using the TS anyway (if you're aiming for fuzz kill and fart reduction). Flipping the pickup by 180 degrees might help; you might also consider putting in a toggle switch to go between series and parallel for that pickup (parallel might be more manageable for you).


Hence why I said to be prepared to lose clarity.

Using a bassy overdrive to add beef to a pickup is nothing new. People don't only use ods for the reasons Andy does.
Dude, I agree with everyone else here, ditch the dimebucker, EMG's or the Duncan JB all the way. When I have the money, my guitars are gonna all be either EMG 85/85 or the Duncan SH-4/SH1-N setup.
That Dimebucker has a mind of it's own. It's hotter than fuck, alot of bite. The pickup makes you sound like you have a wah turned on or something. I have a Dimebucker in my Gibson Flying V, and there aint nothin else goin in there. I haven't flipped mine, but I do that with all my other pups, since I'm a lefty. Try flippin it, like ol boy said. The Dime autograph will be upside down though. I actually prefer an SH-6 distortion pup in most of my guitars. I've tried em all, and I like the SH-6 hands down out of EVERY pickup out there. I like the Dimarzio Evolution pickup in the neck the best. JBs are a little weak. The X2N and Dimarzio Distortion are their best bridge pups.