FOR SALE: Caparison Applehorn

Still getting the run around and look what Trials had the balls to post on my myspace:

And was that "suck it" after the flyer directed at you? You really gotta go there and kick 'em all in the nuts!
Hi. This is Mark from Trials.

I really really don't want to be involved in this at all, but this has escalated to a point where I feel like I should say something.

First of all, once again, I had nothing to do with this whole Caparison situation. In fact, all of that went down before Remy was in our band or before any of us had even met him. I take no sides in this conflict. So as you can imagine, I was mildly irritated when this guy kept writing my band's MySpace, asking me to relay messages to Remy. I am not Remy's secretary. Even still, I mentioned it to him. If he hasn't contacted you since then, that's between you and him.

The deal with the flyer on Myspace last night: That was me, not Remy. I mistook 4nkam for the individual who was harassing me on this forum yesterday (there's another thread on that elsewhere). It was late at night, and I assumed that someone being that much of an asshole could only be the guy who bought the guitar. I was apparently mistaken about that, and for that I sincerely apologize.

To the people considering coming to Chicago and "kick us all in the nuts," keep in mind that Remy does not live here. If you come here looking to kick our asses, you will find three people who have nothing to do with this at all. I could also tell you about how we have friends and relatives in the Chicago police dept., and how it's a bad idea to piss off Chicago cops. But I'd rather keep this from escalating any further -- it's already gotten ridiculous.

Long story short: if anyone feels like they've been ripped off, by all means take it up with PayPal and/or the law. If you feel like they're slacking, bother the shit out of them until they settle the matter. But kicking someone's ass is not the answer, especially not kicking MY ass, because I don't have your money.

Haha, just to clarify, the "kick in the nuts" bit is a reference to one of my favorite characters of all time, Eric Cartman - "I kick ya in the nuts Kenny!"
Look guys, this has all gotten out of hand. Its all my fault. I am trying to get this settled with 4nkam, I just don't want to do it here...

And I've closed my eBay account, and I'm not posting anything else for sale on here again...I've pretty much shown I can't be depended on for this shit.

This shit got started before I joined Trials, so please don't get upset with them, we don't even live in the same state, they don't really know this whole situation, because it wasn't their problem...and I want to try and keep it that way.

And if anyone wants to come to the thing on Sunday night or Tuesday night and try and kick me in the nuts (Cartman-style), feel free to try!
I don't want to get into a huge discussion about it, but my whole life situation was pretty fucked up, and I just totally dropped the ball on 4nkam in the process. In the initial stages of the auction win, he made some minor mistakes, but mostly it was my fault. I'm not trying to protect my eBay record or anything, like I said, I'm done selling stuff on eBay (which sucks but after this whole experience I don't really think its fair to keep doing it). So I'm trying to settle it with 4nkam right now, and hopefully everything works out. I could have just tried resolving it with him, and not even bothering to post anything at all on here, but honestly, I like this forum and the people on it, and I don't want everything to think I'm a fucking dickhead scam artist, because I'm not. I actually had great feedback on eBay, I've bought and sold tons of stuff for the past 6 or 7 years...but this whole thing pretty much cancels that out. So am I a scam artist trying to rip people off? No. Am I a lousy, undependable eBay seller?...Probably. But I'm done with that, I hope everyone can kind of just move on, and we can get back to talking about metal and nitpicking people's production techniques. I really don't think I have anything else to say about this whole thing.
Thanks guys, looks like things will get worked out here soon :)

Please let me make it clear that with my postings, I was not and am not trying to hold anything against either Remy or Trials and I am not trying to harm either of their reputations.
It all worked out, what a happy end....Americans and Canadians are friends agaaaaaiiiin..........
I wouldn't let this fuckin scumbag get away with this. I would fly to where he lives listening to every "Cannibal Corpse" album on the way. Fuckin rip his guts out and feed them to him!! This shit makes my blood boil! Fuck this guy!
Hey 4nkam, I'm glad I could help you out man. All it took was a few fuck you's to the wrong guy on the internet. Anyways man, you can thank me monetarily, PM me for my paypal details. You're welcome! (just jokes)
I read it all. He fuckin kept the dudes money for months. The guy buying the guitar trusted this guy, and got fucked. He's a nice guy and he's lucky it's finally working out. That's what is fucked up in this world. Scumbags taking advantage of good people. I love it when politicians, bad cops, and high society fucks get exposed for shit like this too. This kind of shit just keeps me fueled with anger and inspiration when songwriting.