For Sale: 1982 Ibanez Destroyer II


Aug 31, 2006
Hey guys, sorry to post this, but I think some of you guys would definitely be interested:

I'm really in need of cash, and I currently have two guitars: a Caparison Applehorn, and a vintage 1982 Ibanez Destroyer. It took me a while, but I've decided I'm going to give up the Ibanez (the Caparison is just unbelievably amazing, I don't think I could ever give it up).

Ibanez Destroyers are essentially Gibson Explorer copies, except they have much nicer necks. This model was made way before the whole RG craze, back when Ibanez made much more traditional guitars (different logo as well). The pickups in mine were replaced with two Kramer 4-coil pickups (which sound truly awesome) and the standard bridge was replaced with a Kramer floating bridge (I still have the tremolo arm). It has a sunburst finish, and I"m including the hard case. I'm trying to sell it for around $800-850 (including shipping). I thought I'd post this here before I put it on eBay.

here are some pictures:
and I'll also include a fully function Rocktron Hush Pedal, a Dimarzio strap-lock system that has the strap completely screwed into the guitar body (it is pretty much impossible to have the strap come off), a Caparison bridge pickup, and a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails single coil pickup.

And if you want this guitar but live outside of the US, it'll cost a little bit more because shipping will be more expensive, but I'm definitely open to ship it internationally.
I have the same guitar. People these guitars are so fast for legato. So fat and well built.

Remy. could you point to me to any info on replacing my pickups. I always wanted to but cant find a diagram on it and it just looks so confusing in there to me
Hey man, my guitar actually came with the new bridge and could easily switch out the pickups, from what I understand the original has just standard Gibson-type wiring...if you don't think you can do it, just take it to a guitar store and have someone set it up