Car I will be purchasing - is it worth it?

fuckin' gorgeous


Hell. Yes. The first vehicle I buy new will be a motorcycle, maybe Harley maybe not. Possibly built custom by my brother.

my roommate had a 1000CC bike that he never really rode but i loved to ride that shit. i dont have a motorcycle liscence but whatever, i have been riding bikes since i was 10. its one of the greatest feelings ever. though its fairly surreal going 140kmph and looking down at the front tire.
dodens I dunno about that man, I spend most of my time somehow in metal/bodybuilding/videogames

those 3 things are not exactly socially promoted/looked at in a positive light.

If I was trying to please the general populous, I would be dressed in abercrombie and fitch, try to look like one of those faggot models, listen to 50 cent and spend most of my time thinking about how to get drunk somewhere

but none of that shit interests me at all.
dodens I dunno about that man, I spend most of my time somehow in metal/bodybuilding/videogames

those 3 things are not exactly socially promoted/looked at in a positive light.

If I was trying to please the general populous, I would be dressed in abercrombie and fitch, try to look like one of those faggot models, listen to 50 cent and spend most of my time thinking about how to get drunk somewhere

but none of that shit interests me at all. I spend most of my time nowadays listening to classical, prog rock and metal. I have even started reading more, which I do enjoy, but I never committed much time to it. My lifestyle is extremely strict and my bodybuilding is the driving force and passion of my life

I don't know how you can say I am striving for social acceptance when so much I do is so far out of the realm of social approval.

this is what I love about being me, I don't give a shit about anything anybody, I just do EXACTLY what I want to do, how to do it.

I don't worry what is "trendy", none of that shit matters to me. I do what I want to do 100% of the time.