Carcass "black star"


New Metal Member
Mar 17, 2006
I love Carcass.They truly fuck it up.I own Reak of Putrefaction,The Peel,Necroticism,Heartwork(best album ever),Tools of the Trade,and Wake up and smell.I dont got Sawnsong but i know the song blackstar is not on there.anyone know what its on?I got the single track "blackstar" via the internet and i likes.I wonder if the other tacks what ever this is on has all new songs or is it mixed with older stuff?

Black Star most definitely is on Swansong. A lot of people seem to hate that album for some reason but I think it's great if you just listen to it for what it is (ie not a grindcore or death metal album). It's more like death... rock or something.
yep your right ill have to get it.I hope theres some harder songs on it."Black star" is kool but a little weak compared to most carcass.But didnt the singer leave and make his own band called blackstar?or im i mixed up?If he did how was it?I love carcass for the vocals and riffts and doubble bass.Did the band blackstar keep these aspects or did they sell out?
yep your right ill have to get it.I hope theres some harder songs on it.Blackstar is kool but a little weak.but didnt the singer leave and make his own band called blackstar?or im i mixed up?If he did how was it?I love carcass for the vocals and riffts and doubble bass did the band blackstar keep these ascpects or did they sell out?

What "Blackstar" (Blackstar Rising in the US) was a continuation and evolution of the sound of "Swansong" with 3/4 of the final Carcass line up plus Griff of early Cathedral. It continued a Death n' Roll theme, but with a mix of NWOBHM style passages akin to Tygers of Pan Tang etc, and Brass and Saxophone sections.

It was received lukewarm upon release, but in my opinion, is a great album. It's uplifting, not very serious at all, but definitely a one off. Its a great heavy metal record, and while not having much in the way of extremity, has a lot of great hooks, magic song writing and wryly amusing lyrics dealing with the way that everyone was clamouring for Carcass prt 2.

They were killer live, too.

Jeff Walkers new solo stuff is on his myspace account, and (to my ears) sounds great - catchy metal retakes on country songs!

Any more info needed, PM me.

thanks carcassain for the info.
I was lucky to see carcass as carcass three times and what a show all three where!FUCKING AWSOME!
all three in my all time fav shows.even beats the c.c show from ace ventura i was at

has anyone heard the tribuite to carcass?and what do you think?

01. Regurgitate - Genital Grinder
02. Rotten Sound - Reek Of Putrefaction
03. Haemorrhage - Rotten To The Gore
04. Nasum - Tools Of The Trade
05. Cattle Decapitation - Burnt To A Crisp
06. Exhumed - Exhume To Consume
07. Disgorge - Hepatic Tissue Fermentation
08. Machetazo - Suppuration
09. General Surgery - Empathological Necroticism
10. Necrony - Pungent Excruciation
11. Impaled - Carneous Cacoffiny
12. Pig Destroyer - Genital Grinder-Regurgitation
13. Vulgar Pigeons - Corporeal Jigsore Quandry
14. Bodies Lay Broken - Microwaved Uterogestation
15. Engorged - Swarming Vulgar Mass Of Infect
16. Dead Infection - Pungent Excrusiation
17. Avulsed - Embryonic Necropsy And Devourm
18. Regurgitate - Psychopathologist

i heard only of one of these bands are the rest of these guys?
thanks carcassain for the info.
I was lucky to see carcass as carcass about three times and what a show all three where!FUCKING AWSOME!
all thee in my all time fav shows.even beats the c.c show from ace venture i was at

has anyone heard the tribuite to carcass?and what do you think?

01. Regurgitate - Genital Grinder
02. Rotten Sound - Reek Of Putrefaction
03. Haemorrhage - Rotten To The Gore
04. Nasum - Tools Of The Trade
05. Cattle Decapitation - Burnt To A Crisp
06. Exhumed - Exhume To Consume
07. Disgorge - Hepatic Tissue Fermentation
08. Machetazo - Suppuration
09. General Surgery - Empathological Necroticism
10. Necrony - Pungent Excruciation
11. Impaled - Carneous Cacoffiny
12. Pig Destroyer - Genital Grinder-Regurgitation
13. Vulgar Pigeons - Corporeal Jigsore Quandry
14. Bodies Lay Broken - Microwaved Uterogestation
15. Engorged - Swarming Vulgar Mass Of Infect
16. Dead Infection - Pungent Excrusiation
17. Avulsed - Embryonic Necropsy And Devourm
18. Regurgitate - Psychopathologist

i heard only of one of these bands are the rest of these guys?

It's a pretty good tribute album, with only Vulgar Pigeons really letting the side down (mostly on the grounds that they fucking suck ass). Of that lot, Impaled are probably my faves, thouh Avulsed and Haemorrage are also killer.

I'm a pretty big fan of the Impaled sound, being as it's about the closest to the Necroticism sound I've heard in a band...
Black Star most definitely is on Swansong. A lot of people seem to hate that album for some reason but I think it's great if you just listen to it for what it is (ie not a grindcore or death metal album). It's more like death... rock or something.
yeah its not bad paddy likes it:kickass: :Smokin:
Carcassian said:
I'm a pretty big fan of the Impaled sound, being as it's about the closest to the Necroticism sound I've heard in a band...

To me, Impaled sound like Carcass with a second vocalist who octave shifts his voice. Not much orginality, but sounding like Carcass is definetly not a bad thing.:rock:
evil miscreant said:
Necroticism-Descanting the Insalubrius was their best

Absomotherfuckinlutely :kickass:

most stuff b4 that was too much of just noise and after that they became very mainstream sounding.
Danallica said:
Absomotherfuckinlutely :kickass:

most stuff b4 that was too much of just noise and after that they became very mainstream sounding.


Reek really is a chore to listen to sometimes, I have to be in the right mood for it (i.e. drunk).

Symphony is fucking amazing. It really is a perfect marriage of brutality and melodic, thrash derived guitar. I can't understand why someone would like Necroticism, but not like Symphony...I just don't get it...