Carcass - Heartwork!

Gareth is dead on with the cut at 900Hz too. I ALWAYS cut at around 800Hz to 950Hz using 7170 or 8505, depending on either sim and the mix. Once you iron out those slightly honky mids, 7170/8505 sound pretty fucking badass for free amp sims.
I dunno man, I was around during those times and I remember Heartwork got absolutely slated. And there was good reason too. I was a Carcass fanatic (seen em on the Necroticism tour) and as soon as I heard the opening riffs to Buried Dreams and no Bill Steer on vocals, I and a lot of my friends were sooooo disappointed, even to the point that some of my friends felt betrayed lol . Eventually the album grew on me and now I would say that it is THE essential Carcass album. Love the production and the guitar tone. But trust me, the nineties degenerated into crap. In the late nineties a lot of metal bands pursued the gothic route (Kreator), industrial (Morgoth, Paradise Lost to an extent) or just plain utter shit (Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax) and some bands just gave up (Exodus, Seputura). Some great music between 90-93, especially the rise of the Death Metal scene and the birth of the second wave of Black Metal but grunge killed Mainstream metal and Thrash. The only band I remember being relevant and successful in the 90's was Pantera.

I know I went a bit off topic but that quote above got me thinking:OMG: Heartwork rules:kickass:
Anybody get the re-issue with the demos and the documentary. The demo sounds so more aggressive than the album. Essential.

I've got the re-issue version! Its fucking awesome :rock: I love the raw sound the demos have, they are so unpolished but still sound awesome :lol:
I mean, obviously there's such a thing as too much gain, I just can't stand the sound of palm mutes that have no sustain :waah:

Its silly to try and have to little gain, I like to have as much as I possibly can before it sounds like utter shit!

But I suppose for different genres less gain is needed, like plain rock or blues, I mean you wouldn't expect to hear someone like Buddy Guy playing with a Carcass style tone :lol:

I hate the sound of thin sounding palm mutes! I like them to shake the fucking floor!
Thanks god for this post, Ive never once took notice of Carcass, i've always known of them but yeah i basically didn't bother to ever check them out (just one of those things)

I read the process during the recording of Heartwork and it intrigued me to listen to the album.

so shit, ive been missing out eh! this album is METAL!

remind me of Arch Enemy on a good day, a really good day infact seeing as im not too fond of Arch Enemy.

Also the production has stood the test of time! no doubt about it.

anyways been listening to it non stop fantastic.
That album really is a milestone in heavy productions. But it only took Colin a year to raise the bar even higher, basically off-scale, with "Burn My Eyes".