Carcass resurrection?

Actually, anyone got any ideas about which drummer he's talking about ? Nick Barker, maybe? They played together in Brujeria, if I recall...
Priest of Evil said:
Even though I didnt dig Swan Song I would be interested in seeing what they would come up with now.

Insightful interview, cleared up a few things I had questions about for many, many years.

I'm pretty sure he said that they wouldn't do any new material; just re-unite for a tour, and I aint complaining about that. :rock:
Carcassian said:
That was an excellent interview. I got so excited that I became semi-erect and some sticky white love juice leaked out.
Ha, I expected a reply from you to appear somewhere near the top. My frustration accumulated as I scrolled down and still saw no sign of it, but here it is:lol: Seeing you not responding to a Carcass-related news item would have just been too weird.

So, there won't be a new Carcass album even if the reunion takes place.
Good. They went drastically downhill after Necroticism,imo, so at least there will be one stain less on their record
Well, if they do get back together to tour you just never know what else might happen, because even though Jeff said no way to a new album he also said Bills moto was "Never say never". On my behalf, its just pure speculation and curiousity as to how they might sound if they ever did wind up recording anything else.

At least i saw them live before they went too soft. Funny thing is, for some reason I always thought Jeff has stopped Bill from doing the death voice but that interview made me see things a whole new light.
This is an appropriate cause for praying.
Just read the interview.
Well if the reunion happens, when would you think it could happen then?!

If it's gonna happen, it'll happen next year. If it doesn't happen next year, then forget about it.
What do you think about it personally, would you like to do it ?!

Yeah, but I'm not like really desperate. I don't need the money, and I don't need to satisfy my ego.

As for the Carcass reunion, hmmm is there any chance to see you guys on the stage, it has been written and speculated quite a lot about the comeback ?!

Mike Amott really wants to do it. I spoke to him on the phone to the other week, and he wants to get Bill to Sweden to convince him to do it. If those two guys wanna do it, then I'll do it. Ken can't do it. I asked him last year that if we did it, would he be upset, and he's like 'no, do it, go for it.' I was at Download last year, and all these bands were playing, all these American bands, and they were all like At The Gates/Carcass/Paradise Lost rip-off bands. I just thought 'fuck, this is so easy. We could do it so much better.' I was really enthusiastic about doing it. I was on the stage with H.I.M. playing, watching them play to 60,000 people - we never did that. It would be great to be playing to that kind of audience. I've been doing so much stuff since then that I don't need to do it to make myself happy.

Sounds like a 50/50 chance right now. Come on Mike, convince them!!!
Priest of Evil said:
Well, if they do get back together to tour you just never know what else might happen, because even though Jeff said no way to a new album he also said Bills moto was "Never say never". On my behalf, its just pure speculation and curiousity as to how they might sound if they ever did wind up recording anything else.

At least i saw them live before they went too soft. Funny thing is, for some reason I always thought Jeff has stopped Bill from doing the death voice but that interview made me see things a whole new light.

no, i remember reading another jeff walker interview where he said Bill didn't want to do the dead vox anymore. Actually jeff said heartwork would have sounded better with bill's vocals in it cuz he feels only his voice lacks dynamics(or something like that, i can't remember the exact words.)

that said, i would love to see them live, but i doubt, Bill steer just doesn't like metal anymore, he is actually a bit embarressed by his past from what i've heard in some interviews, but if he never said never, who knows. people change opinions all the time.
and doing it for owen would be indeed a very good motive.
that was a longass interview but i can see Carcass doing a reunion, it wouldn't be as good without an accompanying new album though...

With Arch Enemy though and if they end up touring, Amott would have trouble doing it though, but you can always hope

"black star won't you be my guide."
Priest of Evil said:
Well, if they do get back together to tour you just never know what else might happen, because even though Jeff said no way to a new album he also said Bills moto was "Never say never". On my behalf, its just pure speculation and curiousity as to how they might sound if they ever did wind up recording anything else.

At least i saw them live before they went too soft. Funny thing is, for some reason I always thought Jeff has stopped Bill from doing the death voice but that interview made me see things a whole new light.

If they do a reunion Michael Amott would have to take time off of Arch Enemy which i do not see that happening at all.
Well, Bill did play some guitars on Jeff's cuntry CD recently, and he said a few years ago that he would do a Carcass reunion if Ken was 100% able to do it. Actually, he said he would ONLY do a reunion if Ken was 100%. But maybe the idea of raising some money for his friend would "steer" him in the right direction anyway. Christ, I'm witty.

And as for a drummer... "someone who recently quit all his bands"... hmm. Is this interview translated from another language. Some of it doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I suppose Nick Barker would be an option, but he didn't exactly quit any of his bands, did he? Plus he's still with Benediction, as far as I know.

Maybe Igor Cavalera is game...
I doubt ATG would reform. If you think about it a lot of the members played together before in Grotesque so they actually stayed together for longer than most bands. ATG breaking up was bound to happen.
Well, Bill did play some guitars on Jeff's cuntry CD recently, and he said a few years ago that he would do a Carcass reunion if Ken was 100% able to do it. Actually, he said he would ONLY do a reunion if Ken was 100%. But maybe the idea of raising some money for his friend would "steer" him in the right direction anyway. Christ, I'm witty.

And as for a drummer... "someone who recently quit all his bands"... hmm. Is this interview translated from another language. Some of it doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I suppose Nick Barker would be an option, but he didn't exactly quit any of his bands, did he? Plus he's still with Benediction, as far as I know.

Maybe Igor Cavalera is game...

I don't see Igor Cavalera being a good choice, to be honest. He's too busy being in 86% of all new Blabbermouth news items at the moment...
Though I would undoubtedly love to hear whatever they may throw together after being out of it for such a long time, I seriously doubt that it would be anywhere near as consuming as their prime-time stuff.