Carcass TOUR!!

wow so i was thinking last night how close this gig is n i had a dream about it, there were only 50 ppl in the place n Bill was saying something n it was quiet so for some reason i screamed out SLLLLAAYYYEEERRRRR :S
hey Rob just checked my shifts im working til 6pm that nite so i'll probably just bump into u at the gig as i'll prob b getting there at 8, u have my facebook check out my profile pics just look out for that metal jacket :P
WOOT picked up a Necroticism shirt for $40 today \m/

Hey Rob go check out Smoke Dreams they got some Carcass shirts, i picked up a large Necroticism shirt but I saw a medium one there too if ur after one, selling between $40-45 :kickass:
Oh sweet, I'll have a look. I wonder how they'll compare to the ones on sale at the show.

Cool, I should be able to recognise you! :)
here's my rundown.....

....was amazed to get to the gig by 7:30pm (thought i'd get there late cause i finished work at 6pm! n is why i told Rob i'd just see him in the venue), got in line, didn't see ya around Rob :(....

...cause i was in so early went straight to the stage, was on the right hand side infront of the right hand side guitarist in each band...ok first 2 bands weren't that great really really shit mix, couldn't make out any guitar notes, n wasn't really into either singers (i guess cause i knew Bill Steer was coming up so for this night my expectations for death vox were EXTREMELY high :P )....

...noticed the 2nd bands guitarist on the left hand side plays a Charvel Model 4, i play a Model 6, mine's the bell's n whistles version n far better :P, just thought i'd add that bit lol..... Carcass was starting i could see Bill Steer just left off stage so i go to this ranga kid to the right of me "hey its Bill Steer" n he sez in this arrogant tone "i know", then i go to these 2 cool asian kids to my left n go "Hey its Bill Steer" and they were like "FUCK YEAHHHH" seemed like really cool dudes...anyway Carcass starts so the crowd all comes forward n i start to get crushed, eventually get squeezed out of my spot from the crush where im now pushing into that ranga, felt bad bout it so i decided to depart to a clearer space around teh back, NOW THIS IS WHERE IT GETS EXCITING, had to FORCE myself thru the crowd as they were so packed into each other, that i must've accidently pushed ova this drunken twat well either he was drunk or just a twat/wanker/fuckface he gets pissed so pushes me in the back, i turn around literally ready to punch him in the face, look at him, noticed he's quite a distance away n we're both 2 packed from the crowd so i just laugh at his face n keep walking, but man wat a tosser!

Carcass's sound was SUPERB you could hear EVERYTHING! quite a drastic change from teh first 2 bands where u couldn't make out a single solo, with Carcass you could hear EVERY NOTE so it was really good, Bill Steer made quite a few jokes bout Australia n etc n how he's got family out here....played a fair bit off Necroticism and some off Heartwork, was a nice set.

too bad the crowd ruined it for me, like serious its not the fucking beatles u don't have to fucking touch the band to enjoy the god damn show! meh they were mostly kids so i guess they'll never learn.

also i thought i'd bring up that the Carcass tour shirts which were $35 i think were TERRIBLE, all they had on em was the name CARCASS on the front in the Carcass font, then the tour dates n cities on the back in Carcass font, no cool graphics or anything, plus they were white :S white metal shirts don't work :|

so Rob if ur after a Carcass shirt like i said go to Smoke Dreams they got awesome as ones going for $40-45.
here's my rundown.....
i knew Bill Steer was coming up so for this night my expectations for death vox were EXTREMELY high :P )....
are you saying Bill Steer actually performed vocals on the night?

also i thought i'd bring up that the Carcass tour shirts which were $35 i think were TERRIBLE, all they had on em was the name CARCASS on the front in the Carcass font, then the tour dates n cities on the back in Carcass font, no cool graphics or anything, plus they were white :S white metal shirts don't work :|

so Rob if ur after a Carcass shirt like i said go to Smoke Dreams they got awesome as ones going for $40-45.
I guess you would've prefered my old Reek of Putrefaction l/sleeve tshirt then:lol:
Carcass were excellent last night. The sound wasn't as good where I was on the floor, but it improved after the first couple of songs. My ears are ringing like fuck, so it must have been loud. The set was the same as all the recent ones they've played, which was fine by me. I would have had a better view and better sound if I'd stood back a bit and observed, but I'd been waiting 15 years, so wanted to rock out on the floor. The place was flipping packed. It was sold out, which was excellent.

I was at the pub across the road sinking pints until about 9pm or so. Got there near the end of Terrorust's set. I saw them once before and wasn't overly impressed, so didn't care if I missed them. You must have just seen one variety of shirt, Terry. I got a black shortsleeve and another of the longsleeve variety, which I'm pretty happy with. I'll check out Smoke Dreams though.

I met Mike Amott briefly out the back after waiting frigging ages. Got a photo and he signed Heartwork and Necroticism. I didn't get home till 3am, which was kinda crap, given I had to start work at 9.
i was just goin by the tour shirts i saw ppl wearing :P u know the one that was white with black or something sleeves? thats the one im talkin bout thought it was crap, were u at the Exford? thought u would have been.

thats cool u met Mike, i had to leave straight once the gig ended to get the last tram home, spoke to a Peruvian dude on teh tram who went to the gig, he's a tattooist in brunswick st, told him to check out some cricket one dayers at the mcg whilst he's here, although he said he's been here for 6 years so far :P
Did you have too many Bill Steers (beers)? :)

I saw that white shirt. Not fantastic! Yeah I was at the Exford. It was full of metalheads!

You'd think that dude might have checked out some cricket by now if he was keen!
here's what my mate thought Carcass was ok. They played Genital grinder, reek, and exhumed, WITH BILL STEER SINGING.. Awesome. The rest was same as last time they played plus one swan song track

It would've been great to see Bill Steer gurggling his way through those songs but I don't regret not going, money is just too tight atm. They had their chance to impress me and they failed - they were too busy being sell outs bwwaahahaha!

It'll be interesting to see what becomes of Carcass when the tour is over.
Fingers crossed they continue. If they manage to stay together long enough to record an album they'll probably stick around for a while. Hopefully Bill's enjoying it, for he was the one who needed a lot of convincing to reform.