CARDAMON > new band, for Katatonia fans

the_dying said:
Hope to hear the official promo soon!
The promo's already finished, but it's been sent only to labels. No deal came out of it, so they're gonna record a full-length album -supposedly in July- and try to score a deal with that, the same way Detonation did it.
the mourner13 said:
I never liked female vocals...But hey this one is good;)The music is fuckin great,very melodic...The drums are pretty good and I slowly get used to the female vocals;)It reminded me of The Gathering a little bit...
Thanks and yes, there certainly are The Gathering similarities.
Vincent J. said:
Aaaah, these are the female vocals I like!!
(hehe btw, her voice reminds me of Junipers:o also very good;))

by the waaay, I like this song a lot!
And the other song on the myspace is great too!

I'm promoting the band amongst friends now:p

Juniper sings??! Cool :).
Juniper said:
indeed prett cool ,
oh damnit It only makes me more frustrated I cant seem to find a guitarist or keynist(is that a word? :p) that has the same feeling in music...
I like this although I would take it somewhat more back in stead of going that big in the end... hehe dont know how to say this in good english ...
But this is sort of what I want to make!!! aaaah god help me with finding someone.. or learning to play guitar magicly in one day
Thanks, glad ya like it! :)
Cis said:
Hmm, there's something in her pronunciation/ articulation that bothers me a bit... but still pretty ok (after one listen)

Strange band name, how did they come up with that?!
This recording is already 2 years old, she improved a lot in the meantime.

The singer came up with the bandname, Cardamon is a herb, there's Cardamon tea for example. Just Google it and you'll see.
MadTinus said:
The singer came up with the bandname, Cardamon is a herb, there's Cardamon tea for example. Just Google it and you'll see.

Yes, I know. The first time I heard of Cardamon was in a Finnish bakery recipe, that's why I found this bandname funny ;)
not bad at all, good female vocals.....I will definitely check them out if they release an album or whatever....but the band name is kinda silly, makes me think of christmas and cookies....:lol:
The album is FINALLY ready! It is called "The Primrose Path". There's a few songs from the album on their MySpace, I'm curious for yer opinions.

The album is not out yet officially, only 500 promos have been printed and a campaign shall be launched soon to get a label to sign them and release the album throughout the universe.

I just checked them out and I've got to say that I'm impressed. These days, I seldom find new music that really intrigues me, so it's nice to see a new band with talent. Let me know when they officially release their cd; I'll definately check it out!
Ah OK, but can you view the MySpace songplayer? Cause the tracks are also downloadable.

I had a feeling that after mentioning that, it would turn out in this case the songs were downloadable (which is a fairly uncommon). It takes a while, but the songplayer loads, and I can sometimes get downloadable songs from them. Haha...I'll check it out.
Holy Shit, not bad.
I can see the similarities with Katatonia, but still they got their own solid sound.
The voice is beautifull and it's not fake like a dozen of gothic female singers.