Here is a new band Katatonia fans may like: LET IT FLOW

Juniper said:
I really DON'T like it if the female singer goes all Opera on me.
Sweet! I like those samples; but the album seems unavailable to buy from UK sites. The female singer is really good, but the style is surreal, to which I can't really relate. She sound a bit like a ghost from the limbo screaming "I NEED A SHAG!" :p
They're okay, but really nothing that special. I think they have potential, but as of right now they need some work, especially the vocals which seem really dull. And do you all really think they sound that close to Katatonia? I don't really hear it.
Turkish metal... Never heard. I have to pay attention on it:rock: I will review it little later and give my detached judgement:kickass: